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Norman was spending most of his time groaning. İt was boring, just sitting here and waiting for Emma. Come to think of it, Ray was probably bored too. At least Norman was standing in front the dining room door and he could hear what was going on in there. Mostly screaming and crying. But Ray's post was probably quiet and-

What was that? Sounded like a giant walking on tiptoes. Weird. That's not the way Emma walks. 

Too loud to be Emma, anyhow. The breathing is slower and louder. Emma's breathing is loud when she's been running, but it wouldn't be so slow if she was out of breath. And it's not Ray. That's not the way Ray walks. Or breathes.

Then what-


Oh, damn.

He ducked just in time for a demon to turn a corner. Willing the kids inside to shut the hell up, Norman clamped his hand over his mouth. Then, with a sudden jolt of panic he realized the demon had come the way Emma had gone. Emma! No, it can't -

He could hear his breathing get louder and a pain in his chest grew. Crouching in the shadows, Norman tried to calm himself down as the demon glided past. 

İt must be looking for Miss İsabella. 

İt was heading towards Ray's post. Norman had to warn him, and reassuring himself Emma was fine, he started looking for another way around.

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