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~Time skip~

Emma finished drying her hair, hung the towel on the end of her bed and  sighed .

 She had wanted the moment that she  and Norman were about to colapse from their handstands, and Ray looked down at them, and she just knew he was going to push them ... She had wanted that moment to last forever. 

As stupid as it may seem,  she had just felt happy ,  right at that moment.

 The happieness lasted all through their time in the rain and it was added, in Emma's mind, to the list of special memories she kept a space for at the back of her head.

 Most of these included Norman and Ray. What would she do without her best friends?

Not just Norman and Ray though, the rest of her friends, they were all each other's family. They had been together ever since the orphanage,  Gilda, Don, Anna, Nat,  Lannion,  Thoma and some even younger ones like Jemima, Rossi and Mark. 

 Emma had all the family she ever needed. 

 And of course Miss İsabella was like a kind and loving mother to them, always there to comfort them. 

 Emma was proud to say she was part of their family . 

Norman was sitting cross legged on his bed, reading.  He was also dry,  but Ray was still in the bathroom , drying his hair. 

İt was strange, being dry, Emma  had spent so long soaking wet.

 I WİLL go out again. The rain is amazing .  Ray and Norman can co - 

"Hey, we should go to breakfast now. I can hear the others getting up." said Norman, closing his book and placing it on Ray's bedside table. 

İt was actually Ray's book anyway. 

"Okay, just wait for Ray" Emma tapped her foot on the floor as Norman pulled his jacket on. 

"I'm starving. Hurry up Ray, we're going to be late. " 

Ray emerged from the bathroom , and you woudn't have guessed he was laughing like a crazy person just half an hour ago. He pulled his shoes on. 

 "Let's go" said Emma, opening the door. 

They walked through, and were immedietley plunged into a crowd of laughing, running, children. 

Ray went back inside their room, and came out with a book which he raised in front of his face like a barrier. 


Phil ran over as fast as his little legs could carry him. He dodged Anna, who was helping Conny get washed and dressed, and Nat, who was brushing his hair in front of a mirror.

 Gilda and Don came into view, Gilda carrying one of the smaller children in her arms. Don was messing with Thoma and Lannion, who both claimed they could eat one hundred sausages in one go.

 Phil leaped on Emma's back .

"Emma Emma Emma! We missed you so much all week !" Norman laughed and Ray gave a sigh.

 "Emma, you're supposed to be one of the responsable ones. Why can't you grow up " 

Emma grabbed Phil from her back and gave him a twirl, and then looked at Ray. 

"I am responsible, Ray!  I'm just not cold, like you!"

Norman was having his hair combed (but the result was probably going to be worse than before) by Cheri and Chris, while Mark clung to his leg. He wasn't in the position to stop Emma from calling Ray 'cold'.

 Ray muttered something and walked of to the dining hall. "See you there, Ray " called Norman, trying and failing to straighten his hair as Cheri and Chris ran towards Don, brandishing the brush. Don backed away. 

 Ray didn't turn back, and  Norman sighed .

 İt was his job to lay the table today, and he had to go and help Miss İsabella, so he coudn't go after Ray. 

Emma was playing with Naila and Phil now, and he turned to the door just as Thoma and Lannion tried to trip Emma up. "See you, Emma " He said, and walked away.

 He doubted she heard him over the childrens laughter,  but nevermind. 

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