Bad start to a bad day

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Emma woke up early, as she usually did.  The time was 6:AM, and the sun was just rising over the top of the hills. There were still a few stars in the sky, but they were mostly covered by big, grey clouds.  Emma stretched and got out of bed,  shoved her feet into some slippers and walked over to Norman and Ray. They were both asleep in strange positions, as if to shelter themselves from some loud noise or something. İn other words, only the top of Ray's messy hair was visable, and Norman was completley enveloped by his cover. 

She took a deep breath ... "GET UP, RAY, GET UP, NORMAN!" She yelled at the top of her voice. She hoped Miss İsabella was in a deep sleep. Or everyone, for that matter. 


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 Norman groaned and pulled the covers further over his head. 

"NORMAN!"shouted Emma. 

 Norman sat up, rubbing his eyes. "Emma, it's to early!" 

He looked at Ray. 

"I thought we agreed you would get up to distract Emma this time. İt's not fair that you get to sleep again" 

Ray remained still. 

Emma shook her head.  "Norman,  the sun is up, so we have to be up too!" 

 Norman sighed, got out of bed and walked into the bathroom. " Fine, but we are all sleeping in tommorow, okay? I can't get up at six 5 times in a row" . 

"Okaaay fine" 

 Emma looked down at Ray. 

"RAAAY!"  she yelled. 

"I know you are awake, Ray" 

No reply.


 Ray suddenley sat up and glared at Emma. 

Emma gave a small scream and toppled backwards, Ray lay back down in bed. 

"Ray, you're AWAKE so get up !"  said Emma from the floor, trying to regain some dignity. 

 "Fine.  I'm awake."  mumbled Ray into his pillow. Emma nodded . "Good. Ray, can I  read one of your books?"  she asked him, pointing to the stack of books next to Ray's bed . "I  read all mine,  and Norman's"  Ray didn't reply.  Emma took a book, sat on the window sill and started reading. 

When she reached page 10, Norman emerged from the bathroom with wet hair and their school uniform.  Emma shut the book put it back on the pile.

 Norman sat on his bed.  "Did you wake Ray up?" he asked. Emma nodded. "Yes, he's awake."  She walked into the bathroom to brush her teeth.

Norman looked at Ray. 

 "Ray,  you should get up now. Emma will be back in a minute" 

 Ray didn't answer and Norman sighed.

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