Who the hell would run from demons?

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"Okay I'll go in to tell them. You guys wait."

"Okay, Norman. Just don't make a fool of yourself-again!"

"Ray! Don't be rude to him. Hurry Norman. I CAN'T BELİEVE WE'RE GETTİNG OUT OF HERE TOGETHER!"

"Yeah, Yeah..." Ray looked at the floor and frowned. "Me too."

Norman laughed. "Okay see you guys in a sec." 

"Yeah." Said Ray. Then, "Norman, uh, I'll... Um..." He hesitaited. "See you later." 

"Hey! We don't do goodbyes, Mr. Sappy!" Emma snorted. "So go on Norman."

"'Kay." Norman opened the door and went in the dining hall, leaving Ray and Emma staring after him. Emma sighed. "Ah, it's going to be hard, right?""

"Yes." Said Ray, though he wasn't really listening. He was staring down the corridor, tapping his foot.

"Well I mean of course, but we'll get through it together. We'll find somewhere to live, all of us. As a family. One day we'll go the orphanage to get the others, we'll come back stronger. Norman, me, you, we'll destroy the farming system and-"

Ray narrowed his eyes. "There's something down there."

"What? Ray, I'm talking to you. Down where?"

Ray nodded towards the corridoor. "There. Shut up, Emma."


He suddenley shoved her to a wall in the shadows. "Shut up."

"What is it!" Emma hissed, slowly crouching next to him. "A demon?" Ray nodded in the dark. "We have to get it away. İt'll sniff out the our blood and find us."

Emma made choking noises. "What shall we DO?"

"Shhh! There's another two coming behind it!"

"How can you see?"

"I'm used to spotting them. And don't worry, I have a plan." 

For the first time, Emma noticed he was grinning. She felt her stomach tighten. "What?"

Ray looked at her. "When the plan goes into action, you call Norman and all of you run. Got it? Just go. Don't try and flollow me, and don't worry. I'll meet you on the top of the wall. İf I don't come, don't worry. You guys get to the other side and I'll meet you there."

"Don't you DARE!" Whispered Emma, her voice on edge. "I don't care what happens, it happens when we're together! Ray! RAY!!!"

Ray ignored her, got up. "Stay here. İf you don't, I'll kill you when I get back.  Bye bye, Emma."

Then he got up. "No, no, RAY!" Emma tried to pull him back, but Ray shook her off and shouted:


"RAY YOU İDİOT! You're ruining everything!" 

"Over there!" Said the voice of a demon. "İt's over there! Get it!"

Then Ray smiled, and took off down the other way with three, giant demons right behind him.

And they disapeared into the darkness.

"NORMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Screamed Emma.

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