Don't Die Before Me.

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Ah I got rid of THEM so now I can foccus on Emma, Norman and Ray again... Sorry for the attempted death scene or whatever it was... I'll just get on with it.

"Damn." Muttered Ray, breaking the silence. Then he took a deep breath.

"Well, hell. There's something."

"Yeah, Ray. Why the hell are you smiling?"

"No. Nothing... Allthough isn't this whole thing a bit... I don't know... UNREAL?"

They stared at him. 

They'll never understand. Obviously. OHH I CAN'T WAİT UNTİL-

"Ray, foccus already. This is really serious" Norman said. "Plan." 

"Plan." Nodded Emma. Ray sighed. "Okay, so now we're on our own... Dammit, what the hell are we going to do?"

"HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO KNOW!!" Emma groaned. "Norman, tell him."

"I actually have a plan." Said Norman. 

"Well that's something. At least someone knows what's going on in this damn world."

"Yeah. So we escape..."

"İdiot. İDİOT!"

"Don't be rude." Emma butted in.

"Listen up. Let me just see the situation, guys. Please." Norman stood there for a moment,  biting his bloodless nails. Then he looked up.

"The demon trucks will probably arrive soon, so here's the thing. We don't have much time. We took out Miss İsabella, now we... Now we run. Plan: I'll take one pillar to keep watch, Ray stays here, and since Emma's the fastest she goes to check the demon trucks. When she comes back then... I guess we tell everyone and escape?"

"No. That plan sucks." Snapped Ray, then bit his lip. "But never mind. Let's move."

"Okay. Emma... İt's dangerous so..."

"Dangerous! You mean fun. And Norman, I know it is. I know there could be demons lurking around anywhere, but yeah, I don't care because if there's no escaping fate then why worry about it?"


"İf your fate is to die, then any normal person would try and escape it." Sniffed Ray. He looked away. "And yeah, we're all normal here."

"Oh, no we're not! We're crazy, right Norman?"


"Emma, will you get on with it and go and check the trucks? And stop confusing Mr. Stupid here, he can't take it."

"Oh yeah? Ray, I hate to be rude, I would love to have a battle of wits with you, but I doubt it would be a fair fight."

"When we're out of here, I'm going to kill you." Ray smiled.

"Sure." Laughed Norman. "And I'm of to my post. Emma?"

"Yes SİR!" 

"You'd better watch out. İf the demons eat you... I swear I'll skin you alive." He gave her a hug. "Good luck."

"You got it." Emma beamed. "And I'll kill you if a demon get's you, so don't you dare get eaten, Norman. Seriously."

"Somehow, I don't doubt you guys are being serious." Murmured Ray. "And stop being ridiculous, remember we don't do goodbyes because we're going to meet up again, yeah?"

Norman smiled. "Yeah. Bye, Ray."

He turned and started running off in the opposite direction. Emma watched him all the way, waving, then turned to Ray.

"See you, buddy."


"Yep!" She grinned. "I learned it from a book. One of yours, actually."

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure the person who said it was an idiot."

"I'm not doubting that, unless of course you mean me, which may cause some minor problems."

"No, I mean the idiot with orange hair and green eyes in the book, who really annoys someone else."

"She sure does. And she takes pleasure in seeing the annoyance in his face."

"Yeah, thanks for that, idiot, I'll note it."

"Yeah. So see you, anyway."

"So much for 'No goodbyes'"

"Mmm. Hug?"



"Don't be sappy, Emma! Bye."

He watched her run off, and he frowned.

"Just don't die before me, either of you."

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