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İt was still dark when he woke up. The first thing he realized was he had fallen asleep. Where was he... Oh, yeah. Library. 

He sat up. Since when had it got so dark? He had dreamed of bright, flashing lights. This was a change. 

Norman yawned and stretched, and noticed his breathing had got better. Much better. he could even yawn. He checked his watch...


When had he fallen asleep? How could it be so late? Damn it, the time was four AM.! He couldn't hear anything, nobody coming to find him. But...

There was somebody else in the library. He knew that, because he there was the noise of the door creaking some way of, at the end, and everybody closed the door while going out. İf the door was open, there was somebody in. But no footsteps, like they wanted to keep quiet. He could hear loud breathing. 


Then, when he tried to get to his feet, he remembered.

He had been crying when he fell asleep. He had only got an hour of sleep in fact, he had been crying for a while. His hands were shaking. His eyes were sore and they probably looked red. 

He remembered what happened a few hours ago. 

He remembered Emma turning to him, smiling with tears pouring down her face.

He remembered Ray telling him he was sick of him.

He remembered both of them walking away, leaving him here, he remembered the abandoned plan, their broken friendship. 

He started trembling again. 

'Oh my god, you're such a DRAMA queen!'

Sorry, Ray. I guess I am. You two have probably forgotten all about us. I'm still crying for you guys like a...



Norman clutched his head, pain throbbed loudly in his ears. 

We were going to make a plan! We were going to run away!

His chest started to hurt. 

Damn it stop thinking about it-


EMMA! I tried to help you, why did you ignore me?

You ignored me, after everything...

Norman wiped his eyes angrily.

 He had  thought Emma and Ray had noticed how much he cared for them. 

He had thought they loved him as much as he loved them. 

He had thought, above everything and everyone else,  they knew they were more than family, they were best friends. 

He thought, even though Ray acted like he hated him sometimes, and Emma treated him like he was just like her, like he was her reflection that always had the same oppinion, they knew him. They knew how he felt.

But you don't, do you?  You guys... I always liked to think you understood I was always there for you, and ditto. I was pretty stupid, wasn't I? Just because I loved you guys, it doesn't mean you feel the same. Ray, I understood you. I always did. I tried to tell you that, by making it into a stupid code. But I didn't know the first thing about you, that you knew the schools secret.

He shook his head. With this train of thought, he would never be able to get up. What was the point anyway? For some reason, Emma and Ray had given up. 

Emma. What about your quotes written on your trainers? Never give up? What about our names? Are you going to rub them out? 

Norman heard a page turn, far off. 


Somebody is here... Maybe Emma or Ray came to tell me everything is okay? Maybe they're looking for me? YES! I don't believe it! Why did I doubt them? They came looking for me!

Before Norman could stop himself, he shouted:


Damn. Why could he never control the things he said? He could do any lessons and tests without blinking, but he couldn't control what he said? He always blurted them out like an idiot, not thinking of what would happen when he did. 




Norman pinched the bridge of his nose.

"İdiot." he said aloud. Once again without meaning to. 

The loud breathing stopped. 

"I...I didn't say it to you!" Norman blurted. He realized he was still sitting, and got to his feet. He knew the other two parts of the library like the back of his hand, but here... He knew here like it was one of Ray's books; He had read them but never understood them. 

 Then Norman heard footsteps.

 They were loud, and fast. Not too fast, but fast enough to be described as fast walking. Norman knew Emma and Ray's footsteps.

 Ray's were pretty calm and there were  about two seconds between them. 

Emma had a rather annoying habbit of trotting everywhere she went, so there was a millisecond between each of her steps. 

İt sounded like this person had long legs, and Norman counted, there were about three seconds between each step. 

This was bad. İt meant the person was taking long steps, and coming towards him fast.


They were the footsteps of the Murderer.

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