Chapter 26

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"How's the food?" Penelope asked me.

"It was good," I said.

Penelope made a really good spaghetti dinner. She also made garlic bread and corn.

I looked over at Dylan, whose face is covered in spaghetti sauce. "This one must've really liked it."

"Oh, Dylan." Penelope takes a napkin and tries to wipe his face with it.

"Okay," Jason said as he picked up Parker from his high chair, "clean off the table, and Brian and Keegan are doing the dishes tonight."

"Oh, come on," Brian whined.

"Don't worry, Bri. I'll keep him company," Seth said.

"Clear off the table first, Seth," Penelope said.

I helped the Walker's clear off the table before going upstairs with Seth. We went to the bedroom and sat down on the bottom bunk where he sleeps.

"So things with you and Brian going okay?" he asked.

"Good, so far," I said.

"That's good. I'm so happy you two are talking again. I think you both really needed this."

"Yeah, you know there's one thing I don't understand," I said.

"Which is?" he asked.

"You were the one who warned me about Brian dealing with something that happened last year and I shouldn't be dating him or something like that, but now you want us to hang out. What changed?"

Seth's face fell. "Well, honestly, those weeks when you two weren't speaking to each other, it kind of bothered me. And also, I couldn't stand to see both of you hurt."

"Oh, Seth." I leaned over to him and put my head on his shoulder. "You really care about the both of us."

Seth smirked. "Yeah. I'm happy for both of you."

"Thanks." I lifted my head off of him. "And thanks for being supportive."

"You're welcome."

Seth and I talked for the next few minutes talking about the upcoming birthday party, school, and what kind of music we listened to. I found out Seth likes Elton John, Micheal Jackson, and rap music from the 90s.

Brian entered the room and looked at the both of us. He walked over to us and took my hand. He then sits down on the edge of his bed and puts me on his lap.

"Look at you two love birds," Seth said. He lays down on his bed and puts his hands behind his head.

"Thanks, Seth," Brian said. He nuzzled his face into my neck.

"No problem," Seth said. He then gets off of his bed. "I'm going to leave you two alone." He closes the door on the way out.

"So what now?" Brian asked.

"Want to watch more of The Mandalorian?" I asked.

"Naw. Let's do something different."

"Make out?" I suggested.

He laughs. "We already did that." He pushed my hair away from my face and I smiled.

"Okay then, what do you want to do?" I asked him.

"I don't know." He started to rub my arm. "We should probably talk."

"About what?"

"I don't know. Maybe there are some things I don't know about you. Like what's your favorite movie is. Or your favorite book. Or how handsome you think I am.

I snickered at the last one. "Oh, Brian." I told him my favorite movie is anything Disney, my favorite book is The Outsiders, and I think he's the most handsome boy I've ever seen. He started to ask me some other questions.

Favorite YouTuber? Try Guys.

Favorite color? Blue.

Favorite song by *Nsync? Tearin' Up My Heart.

Favorite song by Backstreet Boys? Quit Playing Games (With My Heart).

Favorite show besides The Mandalorian? Friends.

Any other boy bands you listen to? 98 Degrees and Westlife.

First celebrity crush? Chris Evans.

Then it was my turn to ask Brian questions.

When's your birthday? In November.

Favorite country singer? Johnny Cash.

Favorite TV show? The Rifleman.

Favorite movie? Anything with John Wayne.

How old were you when you found out you were gay? Eleven.

How did that happen? Saw Harry Styles for the first time.

It was around 9:00 when I got a text from my mom, telling me it's time to come home. Brian and I walked out of his room and went downstairs into the living room, where the rest of his family are. "I have to go home," I announced.

"Oh, already," Penelope said.

"Yeah, my mom said I have to," I said.

"Bye, Chris," Seth said.

"Oh, wait." Penelope left the room for a moment and came back with a container of spaghetti and a bag of garlic bread. "Thought you might want some of this."

"Thank you," I said.

"No problem. See you later, Christopher."

I said my goodbyes to the whole family and left. Brian insisted he drive me home so I won't walk alone home by myself so late at night. He stopped in front of my house.

"Thanks for the ride," I said.

"No problem," he said.

"And also thank you for the puppet."

"You're welcome." He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. "See you later, Chris."

"Bye." I opened the door and jumped out. I ran into the house and looked out until Brian left. I went into the living room where Mom and Dad are watching the news and Grandpa's sleeping on the recliner.

"Hey, Chris," Dad said.

"Hey," I said.

"How was the Walker's?" Mom asked.

"It was good."

"Going to bed then?" Dad asked.

I nodded my head and went downstairs. I put my backpack on the floor and the puppet on my bed. I quickly put my pajamas on before turning the lights off and went to bed. I looked at the Lance Bass puppet. It was so sweet of Brian to get me one, and it's my favorite member of *Nsync. I'm so glad he remembered. He's a thoughtful guy, isn't he?

"Thanks again, Brian," I whispered to myself before falling asleep.


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