4. Calfreezy- Addict

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COVID-19 is no longer an active virus. Everyone has been vaccinated, and there hasn't been a case in 2 months all around the globe.
Lockdowns over countries, cities, and... well, everywhere, have been removed. Go outside! Meet friends, family, and all of your loved ones.
23rd March 2019 was the day the world went into lockdown, at today- 5th July 2022 shall be the day that is written in history as the day the world came out of lockdown!

On other news-

I pressed the power button on my television, switching it off and sighing.

Lockdown had been hard.

I went into lockdown with nobody in my apartment but me, leaving me in a traumatic experience of loneliness.

The first week I was happily facetiming my friends and talking, but I soon lost the will to do anything.

Checking my phone made me a mess.

Having to eat food was a burden.

Not to mention that life had become a little tragedy.

I was thrown into my previous world of depression I had merely escaped only a year ago.

I had relapsed back into taking drugs, smoking weed, and drinking unhealthy amounts of alcohol.

I hadn't checked my phone in months, I hadn't had human contact in just under a year, and I was happy with it like that.

I pulled out my lighter, pressing the hood down making the flame flicker a bright gold colour.

My hand shook as I picked up another stick of weed and put the end into the flame, setting it up.

I fear meeting people again and having to talk.

I took a deep breath in before removing the weed from my lips, tilting my head back and blowing out, allowing all of my problems to go away with it.

I closed my eyes and savoured the silence around the apartment.


I picked up my weed once more and took a deep breath in before exhaling the smoke.

I opened my eyes and watched as the shapes of the room blurred comfortably into each other.

I took another breath of the weed.

I opened my eyes and saw Cal standing above me.

My Cal.

The one who had loved me.

"Cal...?" I whispered before giggling. "Calluummm..."

I reached out to hold his hand, but my hand went through his body.

"You're a hallucination...?"

My eyes started feeling watery.

"Everything in this world is so fake..."

I closed my eyes and allowed a tear to slip down my face.


I opened my eyes to see that it was now night time.

I was no longer high, my weed had burnt out, and my tears had dried.

I sniffled slightly before jumping as I heard heavy knocking upon my door.


I heard someone yell.

There was only one person who called me that...

I scrambled to my feet, feeling my head go light but ignoring it.

I shoved the packets of weed and bottles of alcohol before my couch, looking around the apartment and noticing how disorderly it was.


The person yelled again.

I was about to get the door when I noticed the place stank of weed.

I ran to my bathroom and hauled a can of air-freshener into the main room. The room I had stayed in for all this time.

I sprayed the place wildly, trying to make the 'soft cotton breeze' disguise the rancid smell.


I threw the can to the side as it wouldn't spray any more, before walking up to the door.

I switched the light on and squinted, having not had it on in months.

I opened the door.


"Hey, Cal... what's up?" I tried to say casually, leaning against the door.

"What's up?" He repeated. "Mel, what's happened?!"

"What do you mean?" I asked, playing it cool but coughing afterwards.

"You haven't answered any texts since New Year, apparently the last time you were online on WhatsApp was In February, your eyes are bloodshot, your hair is visibly unhealthier, your so much more skinnier... Mel, what's happened?" Cal started angrily before finishing by whispering.

"Cal, I don't know what you mean." I stated. "I had to order a new phone because my original one was destroyed in water and I couldn't retrieve any contacts to talk to or get on my new phone, and I look visibly fine! My eyes are bloodshot because I haven't been able to sleep because my heater's broken, and my hair and body probably appears to be different because you haven't seen me in some time."

"In that case would you allow me into your apartment to catch up without being scared of me finding anything?" Cal asked.

"Go right ahead." I stepped out of the way and started praying he didn't find anything.

"Mel, it stink of fucking weed." Cal stated. "You've relapsed, haven't you."

I paused and stared at him, not having the heart to lie to him.

"You have..."

I let out a sob before clapping my hand over my mouth and shutting my eyes.

I felt Cal's long arms cover my shoulders as I slowly descended to the spot on the floor which I had sat and cried at for all this time.

"Talk to me, Mel." Cal said quietly. I could hear his empathy.

"It's ruined me." I whispered, allowing my head to fall onto my knees. "Lockdown. I've relapsed into depression and the only thing that's given me help is weed and alcohol."

"But Mel, you know you could've talked to someone-"

"No Cal, you don't understand how damaging the anxiety I've developed, is." I sobbed. "I feel like a burden who is annoying and dramatic and uninteresting and I don't want to be like that, so I don't talk about it. I haven't got anyone who I can talk to..."

"Mel." Cal gently lifted my face with his hand. 

I looked into his azure eyes with flecks of chocolate and emerald that I had missed so dearly.

"I'm always gonna be here. For as long as you live."


ngl it's shit but deal w it

ngl it's shit but deal w it

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