73. JJ - Jealous

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"That was really great," I smiled at Jacob. It had been my first time ever using a dating app, and I'd never expected a first date to go so well. 

Jacob was lovely, also. He'd picked me up at my door,  paid for the meal and then offered to hold hands when we walked around the park... He'd kept out hands connected even as he walked me back to the house, thumb gently grazing over the back of my hand every so often and reminding me of the differences in size. He was a gentle giant and I felt myself getting butterflies every time he even slightly squeezed my hand.

Fiddling in my handbag, I pulled my house-keys up and went to face Jacob, ready to say goodbye.

"So, second date to see that new film?" He asked with a grin, knowing fully well what my answer would be.

"You don't even need to ask." I responded with a smile of my own, admiring his chocolatey eyes and their glow in the sunset orange. 

They reminded me of someone else's though, and maybe that's what made me lean as I felt his hand on my lower back, pulling me in as we closed our eyes, our lips barely a few minute eons away before-

"Heya, Liz-" My body jerked away from Jacob's as the door was swung open, a shocked JJ revealed stood behind it. His jaw fell slightly slack, eyes widening before filling with an unreadable expression. As though his cards had been drawn back from the table- suddenly he was unreadable as his expression fell to slate. "Oh."

"Uhm, it was great meeting you." I suddenly felt very shy, smiling at the ground as I felt my brother's best friend's harsh gaze burning a hole in the back of my head. Jacob seemed unperturbed.

"Yeah, you too- I'll see you sometime soon!" He gave that sunshine smile once more before skipping down the front porch's stairs, flipping his car keys up before catching them smoothly and walking out of the gates.

I was left with JJ, stepping in cautiously whilst he shut the door behind me. 

"What you been up to, then?" I tried to start conversation, not knowing why I felt so awkward with JJ. We were almost as close as Simon and himself were. Having grown up in the same household with Simon, with Deji as one of my closer friends whilst growing up- it was inevitable JJ and I would become close as well.

It was mildly unnerving seeing JJ so closed of however, as he simply pulled his phone out of his basketball shorts and began scrolling- casually walking up the stairs to his room as if I hadn't said a thing.

It hurt a bit, since I really quite liked JJ. Maybe I'd liked him too much at the beginning, as whenever he'd come over to hang with Simon I'd get excited and start tidying our room so that JJ might be impressed. Simon never bothered though- and that meant that when JJ came to our room, one side was always freakishly tidy, whilst Simon's side was messy. 

And I'd always make sure to do my makeup nice, and substitute the baggy joggers and oversized shirt for a nice pair of jeans and fitting top.

The one time JJ had came over unannounced and I'd opened the door with tired eyes, toothbrush hanging out the side of my mouth and clothes loosely hanging off of my body- I'd been mortified- and simply ran up the stairs, yelling for Simon whilst I cringed at myself in the bathroom, listening to their muffled laughs from the room outside. 

JJ might have been able to tell I'd liked him as well, as he seemed to play with my feelings when I was a bit younger. Holding eye contact until I was blushing, giving me the flowers he plucked when the four of us walked home, brushing his hand against mine whenever we walked beside one another.

So I distanced myself until he started realising I didn't want to be played like that- whilst he had a lovely girlfriend, I didn't want to just be the best-friend's sister who you play with knowing fully well you'd never date because it's too much work convincing the older brother to accept it...

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