65. Gibber period Headcannons

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-I think you'd be quite nervous sort of saying and admitting it at first because you wouldn't know how he'd take it and whether he'd be helpful or kinda mean about it... He'd keep pushing and asking "What's wrong", laughing every time you came close to saying it before backing out and turning your back to him to hide your embarrassed laughter. As soon as you admitted it, all he'd say is "Oh." and laugh about the fact you found that so hard to say.

-Wouldn't know really how to help but wouldn't be panicky about it, just sort of suggest everything that came to his mind

-Goes to the fridge, opens it and asks whether you want anything. Like, he'd literally start listing off things in the fridge and checking whether you wanted each individual thing. Carrot? No. Yoghurt pot? No. Seeded bread? No. Olives- I TOLD YOU I DIDN'T WANT ANYTHING-

-Teases you a bit by getting on your nerves- never enough to make you actually annoyed or unhappy, just to mess with you. And he'd easily laugh away any hard feelings afterwards. "I bet cuz I'm a boxer I could firm period cramps better than ninety percent of women," He'd brag, and you knew fully well he was just messing with you, but feel obligated to roll your eyes either way.

-Man never cooks but when you're on your period he always tries to cook your own food instead of ordering it on Uber eats. He read somewhere that greasy fast-food makes cramps worse and so he always tries to make things at home when your on your period so you aren't eating any preservatives or other fast-food chemicals either

-Bought you a candle smelling of your favourite scent (imma say vanilla teehee) from Amazon to add to your candle collection and try to cheer you up because your on your period. Mf forgot to order on Amazon prime though, and as it came a week later when you weren't on your period, so he just kept it as a little gift for himself. 

-Randomly begins shadow boxing your stomach when your sat together watching a movie or doing other menial tasks. Then starts joking about the fact he's so powerful he didn't even need to touch you and you was already bleeding. 

-Literally so annoying but you can't genuinely get annoyed at him because you just find yourself laughing whenever he starts pissing you off. 

-He bought a bag of literally every period product he could find at Sainsbury's the one time you asked him to get you some products, then demanded a visual explanation of how a tampon worked when you took the box. You had to take a bottle of water and show how it worked by inserting it in there, and he was shocked as he watched the tampon absorb the water and almost triple in size, shaking his head in disbelief. "THAT CANNOT GO INSIDE YOU!" He would declare in sheer disbelief, marching around the flat in horror.  Never a dull time with Gibbo.


Double upload sched wow go me

ik nobody rly wants Gibber fanfics, but he deserves a lil smth smth, like, he's bare pookie 

ik nobody rly wants Gibber fanfics, but he deserves a lil smth smth, like, he's bare pookie 

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Anyways, next upload will be Monday as per aaaaaand I think I'll do some George Clarkey for then to satisfy the fangirls :) And we'll save arthurTV for New Year's 

Festive peace and love,
   Gracie xoxo!!!

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