Arc 4.5 - Xavier

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"We need a back up plan" Xavier said to Alex.

Alex nod his head, and write all Xavier had said to him. After they done, they get ready to attend another meeting.

The two guards who already guarding the door, bow down to Xavier and open the door for him to enter with Alex follow behind him.

All the cabinet surbodinate bow to him when he arrived at the meeting room. They hesitant to sit, but after Xavier ask them to take a sit the enviroment become heavy.

"What had happen?" Three word from Xavier's make the general hesitate to answer.

"The Ring's Country take an action to conquer our Country, they said they declare that deserve to take over our country due to previous Mayor contract with Ring's Mayor." The general tried to explain what crisis they had.

"Then, what is your Action? General Karen?" Karen become more paled because he didn't come with any solution, due to the previous Mayor had cause huge problem to them. If they didn't follow the Ring's Mayor word, their Country's will demolished.

"How weak, haha. General Karen I thought you are the toughest guy from all of them but now I'm so dissapointed with you" everyone didn't dare to face up their Mayor.

A/N: Suprised!!! Yes, Xavier is a Mayor - Wake's Country.

"I want to hear, each one of your plan. If you didn't have any solution then I will step in and demolished this cabinet then create a new one." Their bodies become more shaking, because they know, not only the cabinet will be demolished they also will be killed.

"Actually, Mayor Xavier. I have one solution. Um, Why don't you, as our Mayor make another contract with Ring's Mayor." Xavier eyes become little as he heard a new millitary's Assistant general, make a solution for him.

"And what about my life Guarantee? Do you want to pretend to be me? As far as I know Ring's Mayor is a heartless man." Xavier smile thinly.

"Then, you and him will be in the same page. Both of you're heartless and careless about others" Kairil Said. ( The new assistant General)

"How dare you to sai...." Head of Police word stuck in the middle as he heard his own Mayor laughed. All of them become tensed except for one person. Kairil.

"Hahahahhahaahah. I like your attitude, Kairil. You're like snake in the grass that suddenly appear to bite his owner's leg. You're word amused me but I have to agreed with you with one thing. If any of you died because of me I couldn't careless about you, why? Because it's your responsibilities to protect me as your Mayor. But I really opposed for those who want to hurt my person, people and my country" Xavier straightly looking at the screen as he click the play.

"Here, let me show you something interesting" as the screen is moving the gasped from people inside meeting room also can be heard.

Even Kairil is gasping and widening his eyes as he look what in the screen player.

"Do you know, and who is the screen player?" Xavier play with his tie and smile at everyone.

"Do you? Do you? Kairil?" He asked everyone until the last one.

"Th-at's is Ring's Mayor. Ho-w..?" Karen's voice become stutter as terrified is appear on his face.

"Ouh.. that guy come to my office to declare a war, he feel proud when he said that he want to take over my country. When I show a terrified face in front of him He laughed at me and told me that I'm the weakest Mayor he ever face it. He bring his top killer to kill me. Huh, What a  joke?. But before he can touch me, I already kill him. How? That's a secret unless you want to experience it yourself" Xavier cross his arm and look at everyone who attend the meeting with serious face.

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