The game

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Valentine's POV

"Keep up" Draco said grasping my hand, pulling me behind him. I was far too mesmerized with everything around me. Their were fireworks and sparks flying in the air not to mention the drums playing by themselves.
I grinned at the Irish song that was currently blasting through the night air.

"Come on Val" Aunt Narcissa came up and grabbed my shoulder rubbing it up and down. I suppose to make me feel warmer. Smiling up at her in gratitude I couldn't help but think of my aunt and how much I've missed her. She still hasn't returned from her tour around the world with her new person. I really miss her. She would've loved to come here.

We walked into the giant arena where the match was taking place it had rows and rows of wizards and witches all around even some muggles. I grinned at the energy sizzling in the air.

The Irish against the Bulgarians.
Draco grabbed onto my hand as we walked to the box with the Minister. Spotting the Weasley's, Uncle Lucius came to a stop.
My eyes landed on George, ever since that night when I was out of control, we haven't spoken to each other. I've noticed he's been a little distant, probably to do with his family. I don't blame them, I really don't.

Glancing away I ignored the conversation that was going on. I felt horrible, and I just wanted to curl up and cry. I hated this feeling.

"Val are you okay?" Draco tuned to ask me. I nodded yes and grasped his hand tightly, very much aware of all the eyes on us.
"Can we just go sit?" I asked quietly. I wasn't feeling myself.

"Yes let's no longer be in the presence of blood traitors" Uncle Lucius said gesturing us to follow him.
I hid my face in Draco's shoulder not giving the Weasley's a second glance. Mainly because I didn't want to hurt myself even more by seeing George. 

"Lucius, Narcissa, Draco and Valentine" Minister Fudge gave a little bow. I nodded at him in greeting, I felt empty somehow.

I sat between Draco and Narcissa, resting my head against Draco, I groaned softly feeling my head start to hurt again. I've been getting headaches more frequently now.

"Let the game. BEGIN" Minister Fudge spoke through his wand, making his voice ten times louder. He then flicked his wand out to the arena, after the spark flew out, the game begun.

Watching the game start, I was more thinking of school, how stressful it'll be once I return. I can already feel it.

"Victor Krum makes a run through the group of Bulgarians"
The announcer spoke.
I personally didn't believe he was one of the best player.
Gwendolyn Morgan, however, was my idol.

I grinned slightly seeing George and Fred from where I am, covered in Green paint, shouting and screaming for the Irish. I want him to be happy, I'd do anything for him to keep that smile.

I cheered as the Irish made another goal. Slightly for Draco's annoyance, he prefers the Bulgarians.
The excitement in the air made every game so enjoyable.

Victor Krum swooped down, doving for the Golden Snitch, I doubt he'd win with that. Ireland was so ahead by a lot of points now.

I grimaced as Victor Krum caught the snitch almost flying off his broom.
But in the end as I predicted Ireland won, much to Draco's annoyance.
Thus commenced my teasing over the past 2 hours.

After the game we returned to our unnecessarily luxurious tent with gold rimming over the edges of everything. Actual gold.

I breathed in the fresh air the humongous tent had and sat on one of the couch.
"Valentine are you feeling alright?" Lucius asked concerningly.

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