Campfire and Marshmallows

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Valentine's POV

I jumped awake gasping for air. Where am I...why am I in so much pain. I feel like I could barely breathe. "Hey hey, calm down, calm down you're in the hospital wing, you're okay" I breathed out. Did we win?

"Which team won?" I asked laying back down. "Uhm Gryffindor" I rolled my eyes, then fully looked at him, "What are you doing here ?" I questioned. "I didn't wanna leave you here all alone, besides it's my team that put you here" I sat up at that. "When I find the idiot that crashed into me..."

"Don't worry...they're uh taken care of" he replied. Hmm seems suspicious but I'll leave it...for now.
"Ah finally you're awake, I have to mend those bones of yours" I grimaced when Madam Pomfrey came around the corner. "This one here has been with you all day" I glanced at George only to find his cheeks slightly red. Which made me blush. Oh Merlin, he was here WITH me this whole time.
"Now dear drink up" Madam Pomfrey said handing me a glass of murky looking liquid inside.
"Will it hurt?" I asked. "Yes'll be over before you know it"

I nodded and grasped the cup. I swallowed as much as I could in one go. Eww this tasted awful. But then the pain hit me all at once, I gasped, gripping onto George's hand that was by the bed rail . I'm pretty sure I almost broke some bones.
Tears leaked out of my eyes when George leaned towards me brushing my hair out of my face, caressing my skin. I almost moaned at how good his hands felt, Merlin that would've been embarrassing.
"Look at me" I groaned but still didn't meet his eyes. "Valentine Hargreeves look at me now" George said once said once again, his voice deepening even more.  Desire swirled around in my stomach as I finally looked him in the eyes. His eyes glistened with an emotion that was on the tip of my tongue. My lips parted making an audible gasp of pain when he stroked my face gently. "Look at me okay, focus on me. I'm right here" George said in a husky voice. Almost like he was feeling the same desire I was. I focused myself on figuring out even more differences with him and Fred. I've never been so close to him before, but from a distance I always noticed he was the more gentler, sensitive one. Not to mention he had a more thinner face than Fred's and brighter eyes. And his smile, oh his smile I couldn't get enough of it. I smiled through the pain up at him.

Soon enough when the pain numbed out to a mere pressure, I mumbled to him that he can leave if he wants, I didn't wanna keep him away from Angelina too much. He scoffed when I mentioned her but otherwise shook his head.

He still hadn't let go of my hand and I wasn't complaining. I loved the feeling of his hand in mine, It almost melted together as one if that makes any sense.
"I'm sorry for hexing your brother" I muttered out. I wasn't good at apologizing but for him...I'd do anything. "It's alright, it was actually quite funny really" he laughed.
"So aren't you missing your classes right now?" I asked, wasn't he tho?
"It's worth it" he carelessly shrugged which had me blushing furiously.

"What's your deal with the Malfoy's?" He suddenly asked. I could see how much it was bothering him, bloody hell even a blind person could see that. Now it was my turn to shrug, "My aunt is friends with Lucius, and when I first arrived at hogwarts everyone do you put this...not that welcoming of me. But Draco was, he was one of the first friends I made" I smiled slightly remembering when we first met.

"Oh" George nodded. "And don't mind Ron, he's a bit of the untrusting side. But don't worry he'll come around"
I laughed at that. "I couldn't care less about people that dislike me...their loss"
He seemed like he was about to ask me another question but Madam Pompfrey came and told him he needed to let me rest now.

As soon as he walked out the doors, I almost fainted in excitement. I talked to him! He didn't hate me. This changes everything now, once I've recovered I'll find out if he and Angelina really are together and if not well that's my opening shot.

I sighed happily as I was able to leave the hospital wing, unfortunately I still had to attend one more class. Defense Against the Dark Arts. I liked it but with Gilderoy Lockhart teaching it seemed more like a joke than anything else.
I entered the room we were having our lesson with Draco and Pansy, waiting for the lesson to start.
Lockhart went onto saying how he wanted to make sure we're trained up to defend ourselves for anything and so on.
"Let me introduce my assistant, Professor Snape" Professor Snape's joining us today?

"He has sportingly agreed with a short demonstration" I definitely wanted to see this now.

Lockhart continued. "Now I don't want any of you youngsters to worry, you'll still have your potions master when I'm through with him, never fear"
I'm not too sure he's the one you should be worrying about professor.
I snickered.

Professor Snape and Lockhart both walked to each other, brought their wands to their faces did a little bow and walked back to the end of the long table they were on. Before Lockhart had even the chance to say a think, Professor Snape shouted "Expelliarmus"
Successfully disarming Lockhart and sent him flying. We all giggled at that one.

"Let's have a volunteer pair" Lockhart announced.
"Might I suggest someone from my own house...perhaps Hargreeves?" Professor Snape questioned. Oh Merlin, why do you always have to drag me in these positions.

Lockhart gestured to...Hermione to face me. Sigh.
"At the count of 3, cast your charms to disarm your opponent only disarm, we don't want any accidents here"
I nodded.
I got my wand ready.
I sucked in a deep breath.

"Expelliarmus" I shouted. She was fast but not fast enough. She went barreling towards the group same way Lockhart did. Ron quickly came to her aid while glaring at me. I rolled my eyes. With how I constantly roll my eyes, I honestly think one day they'll just roll out of my head.

I hopped down from the table when Lockhart called on Harry and Snape called on Malfoy. But this time before Lockhart could countdown Draco was already throwing spells at Harry.
I as well as everyone gasped when Harry began to speak to the snake. He was saying it was alright and not to hurt anyone. He was a parselmouth like me?? Well that shocked me.

He wasn't egging the snake on like everyone thought he was, Harry was actually trying to convince the snake not to harm anyone.

Guess I'm not the only one.

After that shocking discovery, Lockhart ended class and we all headed back to our dormitories.
I sat with a book in front of the fireplace while Draco went looking for Crabbe and Goyle who knew where they were. Probably in the dining hall. "Did you find them?" I asked Draco when he returned. "These two were pigging out in the dinning hall" I laughed. But continued to read my book, it was about the origin of magic and how it all started. Really interesting if you'd ask me.

I glanced at both Crabbe and Goyle, they looked odd and out of place, something was definitely off. I secretly watched them when they asked Draco about the 'Chamber of Secrets' and who he thought opened it. But as I keep watching them, I noticed a scar? appear on Goyle's forehead. And red hair started to sprout from Crabbe. This could only mean one thing.

Polyjuice potion.

I grinded my jaw, now these Gryffindors was about to get on my last nerve. They quickly got up telling Draco they're going back to the dining hall. I scoffed and ran behind them.
"Where are you going?" Draco called out. "I'll be back"

When I was close enough I grabbed the two boys by the necks and turned them around. "Messing with polyjuice isn't something to be messing with boys"
I folded my arms when they gulped hard. "I should report you to...Professor Snape" I smirked. I knew just how much Professor Snape hated Gryffindors.
"No, no please we're sorry we just wanted to see what the Slytherin common room looked like" Harry lied through his teeth. I laughed, "Well next time, call me" I turned my back and walked away. It takes no genius to know what they were up to. They got their answer tho.

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