The Ball

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Valentine's POV

"We're going together right?"
"Huh?" I questioned, Turing around to look at Draco.

"The ball of course, since you know, you can't exactly go with Weasley" He quietly said the last part so no one would hear.
Sighing I nodded. George and I decided that while it'd be a good idea for us to be together again, for both our sakes, it's best to keep it on the DL. The only people that know is George, Fred (I'm assuming) , Draco and I.

"Oh cheer up it'll be fun" Drsco nudged me grinning.
"Yes it definitely will be after all I get to dress all princessy" I laughed.

"What will be fun?" Pansy asked, sitting next to us in the gathering room which all the slytherins were asked to be.

"The ball of course, who are you going with? You could always come with Draco and me"

Pansy immediately blushed shyly looking down.

My eyes widened as I realized.
"Who asked you?" I almost squealed from excitement.

"Oh my God. That's amazing girl. Okay so we have to figure out what we're wearing" I grinned as wide as I could, happy for both of my friends.

"We should wear green" Draco nodded to himself.
Lightly hitting him.
"Don't be so stereotypical, always going for green" I joked.
"Fine, princess-to-be what colour do you suggest"
I shrugged. "Whichever colour we both decide on, and we have to match. Let your suit or whatever you're wearing have the same colour inside as my dress, got it?"

Smiling at me, he nodded.

"Val, we definitely need to go over some different colours tonight. This is going to be our best night" Pansy grinned. Nodding I smiled back equally as excited. We had at least a week or two before the ball so needless to say every girl in a 5 mile radius was nervous, thinking who'd ask them, not me though, I already have a Draco.

I mean who wouldn't be? This is the actual Yule ball we're talking about. I already know I will be dressing a bit extra, but sometimes that's a good thing too.

"Alright settle down" a voice drawled out.
We were all in a semi-circle of sorts, with Professor Snape in the center.

"Today I will teach you to waltz, like proper ladies and gentleman. Not like the vulgar students I know some of you are" looking pointedly at Milicent and another male slytherin, I recognized but didn't know his name.

There was a rumour going around that they were doing it in one of the washrooms before they were caught. Guess who caught them?
Yep Professor Severus Snape.

Muffled laughter came from all around.

Immediately everyone shut up.

"I will not stand for ANY disrespect or foolishness at the Yule ball or here, you will NOT make a mockery of the prestige Slytherin house.
Am I understood?"
When everyone stayed silent, scared of being scolded. Professor Snape asked again.

"Am I UNDERSTOOD?" Emphasizing on the last one his voice turned even more hard if that was even possible.

"Yes Professor Snape"
Everyone, including myself responded.

"Now who's volunteering to perform  the proper waltz?"

As expected nobody said anything.
"Valentine wants to volunteer" Crabbe shouted out.

If glares could kill someone...he'd be gutted by now.

"Then surely Ms. Hargreeves has a mouth to say so" Professor narrowed his eyes at me.

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