Wrong Twin

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Valentine's POV

I hopped off Hogwarts Express collecting my luggage, waiting for George and Fred.
I looked straight ahead after spotting bright red hair heading my way.
I'm still mad at George.

For being literal friends with somebody?
It's not his fault she's such a horrible person.

I ignored my subconscious. I'm being petty I know but I can't help it.

George reached his hand out to me, but dropped it in defeat when I ignored him.

"Dad should be here any minute"
Ron said with Harry beside him.

"Hey Harry" I smiled at him and we eventually got into small talk with George glancing at us, well me, every 5 minutes.
The Weasley father, Arthur, showed up in a blue car which looked slightly wonky but cozy.

"Ahh there's my boys and oh yes Valentine I was informed of you coming with us I do hope you enjoy your stay" he smiled kindly.
"Thank you Mr.Weasley I'm sure I will" I forced a smile.

I climbed into the car after Georgie, it was surprisingly spacious. Ahh magic.

I smiled slightly seeing George fumbling with me, making sure I'm secure.
I looked away as soon as he looked up at me tho, I was still mad.

He sighed but said nothing.

"Okay guys here we go" Arthur Weasley said before moving the muggle contraption.

I winced at the cold air existing the car, it was so cold even though it was only morning.

Glancing around I noticed the pigs in the sty also the various vegetables that have exceptional growth.
They were hardworking people that's for sure.
Arthur Weasley opened the door for us, ushering us all in.

"It's not much" George said.
"But it's home"

"I think it's absolutely brilliant" I grinned looking around. Everything just seemed magical. Cozy and warm is the best way I'd describe the burrow. It made you feel welcomed, but I'm not so sure Mrs. Weasley thinks that.

"Hey mum" Fred said almost making me jump out of my skin.

"Fred, George may I talk to you in private? Oh and it's lovely to see you dear" Mrs. Weasley stated giving me a very fake smile.
I smiled back at her, not knowing what to say.

George and Fred nodded, following her.
I looked around for Ron and Harry but they were gone by now, probably to Ron's room.

Now I'm just all alone by myself.

I walked to the chair that was in a corner and sat. Hearing Molly's voice raise, I eavesdropped. "How could you bring her here? Do you know who she is? She's apart of the Malfoy family, may not be by blood but she Still is"
"Mum she's my girlfriend, Val doesn't mean any harm. I invited her to come, and as you said she could've stayed at the Malfoy's but she came with me"

"She's also my friend mum, Val is as harmless as a bunny. We'll look after her"
Fred piped in which warmed my heart.

"You better be certain she is harmless, or else you two will face the consequences of bringing a slytherin into my home." Mrs. Weasley stated.

Hearing footsteps approaching, I quickly pulled out my wand and started playing with it. Pretending I was doing just that instead of eavesdropping.

"Come on Val let me show you where you'll be staying"

Looking up at George, I nodded still giving him the silent treatment.

As we were walking up the stairs with Fred behind us. He started "Val please..."

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