The letter

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Valentine's POV

Ice cream
Cajun seasoning

"Oh wait aunt we need to get flour?" I called to my aunt, who was heading to one of those big freezers in the supermarket.

"Get them from the second aisle won't you Val" I nodded in her direction even though she was busy admiring which flavour ice cream to get. We both have the love of ice cream in common.

I glanced down at the list running through the remaining things we still needed to get. Hopefully the second aisle will get sausages and bellpeppers, my feet are already getting tired.

Without looking up I rammed straight into someone falling hard onto my butt. Looking across from me I saw a boy who looked roughly around my age, with brown hair and a scar? Couldn't be a birthmark it looked oddly shaped and weirdly precise if that makes any sense. He was a little on the scrawny side. But he was looking for something.

I immediately pushed myself up rushing to apologize to whoever this guy was.


Oh bugger.

"I am soo sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going and we fell and I- I'm so sorry" I said grimacing at the broken glasses which I gingerly handed back to the odd boy.

"It's-s o-kay" he said in a soft voice collecting back his broken glasses from me.
"I can pay for it. You don't have to worry about the cost" I said while going to call my aunt.

"No I said it's okay" why did he sound so scared? I picked up my list off the ground about to ask him his name or find some way I can at least pay him for the trouble I caused. But when I looked up he was gone.

I quickly walked down a few more steps and grabbed a bag of flour. But the sausages and bellpeppers were in a different aisle. I groaned but continued to walk. I can't get that boy's expression out of my mind though. I mean he looked so scared. Why? I feel so guilty. His glasses are broken because of me. I should've at least help him with something.

I shook my thoughts away and met up with my aunt in front when she self checked us out. I was never really that close with my aunt, we got along just fine as we always did. We just never had any serious sentimental talk or anything. I rather liked it. I don't like talking about feelings. Makes me feel icky.

'Put your head on my shoulderrr
Hold me in your arms babyy....'

Some random song droned on from the radio when my aunt pulled up at the house. that an owl? I stared at its black and white feathers trying to piece together how in the world was an owl out in daytime, aren't they nocturnal.

I shrugged out the weird feeling I got and collected some of the grocery bags out of the car.

I sighed in relief putting the bags on the counter. Whew that was heavy.

"Valll you're back come quick, come quick" I ran in the direction fluffy went. This damn snake didn't even give me to realize what in the world was going on. First the boy in the store, then the weird owl now fluffy?
Merlin give me strength.

I gasped as excitement ran through my entire body when fluffy kept circling a letter. The stamp looks couldn't be. My birthday was not for another day.
"Aunt Grisella!! Aunt Grisella" I shouted and picked up the letter off the ground. My aunt came in looking around me for any danger, when she was finally satisfied she sighed. I showed her the letter while excitingly squealing.
She gasped now looking even more excited than me. But all of a sudden she stretched the letter to me. I looked at her curiosily...I mean she can open it.

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