Finite Incantatem

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Valentine's POV

Ahh finally summer. It was sad leaving Hogwarts, even knowing that I'll return soon. It's come to be like my second home. I slept with my head on Draco's lap for most of the journey home. To anyone outside of our friend group it probably looked like we're together but I just see him as a brother. The train pulled to a stop and we started getting out.

"Bye Pansy, Crabbe, Goyle, Val see you guys when summer is over" Draco waved at us before running to a black car that was parked already waiting for him. I smiled and hugged Pansy. Said goodbye and went to look for my aunt.
"Oh my baby, look how thin you've gotten. Have you been eating properly?" Was the first words my aunt said hugging me and kissing me cheeks. If anything I gained weight but I do have a high metabolism.

"Aunt Grisella hi to you too and yes I have been eating just fine" I laughed. She nodded "let's go home".
We walked to her car and as a celebration of my term at Hogwarts we got ice cream. This is the best food ever!

Afterwards we went home and fluffy was much too happy to have an open space with what she was familiar with.
The months passed by in a blur which consisted of me sleeping, answering letters from Draco and Pansy, and the same thing over and over again. I got my Hogwarts letter and the list of equipment I needed which of course came after my birthday, I don't really like celebrating my birthday it just reminds me I have no parents to spend it with. So anyways I'll soon have to go to Diagon Alley.

I was currently on my bed laughing with fluffy about school and talking about all the secret passage ways she discovered. When my aunt knocked on my door "Hey can I come in?"

I nodded. "So you remember that guy I went travelling with last Christmas?"
"Yea why?" "Well he's a photographer and he asked me to accompany him to Greece for a whole month and I was just wondering if it was okay with you because I know we need to go to diagon alley and I have a friend that could take you but you know what nevermind-"

"Auntie it's fine I'm happy for you honestly, I don't mind going with someone else. Who is this friend?" My aunt was young, too young to spend all her living moments taking care of a child that wasn't even hers. So it's fine.

"His name is Lucius Malfoy. I don't know if you've heard of him"
"Oh merlin" I squealed. "That's my best friend's dad"
"Then it's settled, I have to leave tomorrow and you have school in a week from now, will you be okay staying with him?"
I nodded happily.
"I'll go give him a call" she laughed.

(The next morning)

I woke up to my aunt shaking me awake. "Get up the Malfoy's are here to pick you up"
I quickly got up took a shower and came down in black tights with a green checkered shirt with a black sleeved top. And my sneakers. I let my dark brown hair fall down to my back and walked into the living room.

"Good morning" I spoke out loud to everyone. Draco ran and gave me a hug which I galdily returned. Draco's father slowly got up and walked to me, he seemed half in shock, half in amazement. He then gave me a little smile. I give him a big fat grin and shock his extended arm. "Lucius Malfoy" "Valentine Hargreeves" I nodded back at him.
"So here's the money for Val's school supplies" my aunt said giving him some cash. "Oh nonsense, it's no burden to me at all" he waved her off. "We must leave now" Mr. Malfoy swiftly said and headed to the doors.

I gave my aunt a huge hug and whispered good luck to her. I took Draco's hand in mine, something we've both become accustomed to doing by now that it just naturally happens, and we walked to the car with me waving bye again to my aunt with my free hand.

There's was a big bustle when we arrived at Diagon Alley. We were entering a store when Mr.Malfoy said to wait for him upstairs. We went but as soon as we looked down we saw the Weasley family and Herimione and Harry. Well Harry looked a bit preoccupied with taking out pictures with Gilderoy, it was a bit funny. I searched the crowd looking for a specific red head...ah there he is. I haven't seen him in months I've missed him although I avoid him all the time at school that's mostly because I'm so embarrassed.

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