I'm the what?

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Valentine's P.OV

"W-what?" I stuttered turning around.

"I was angry at you at first for being with the Malfoy's but I understand they're somewhat like your urhm family.
As for Ron since the day you yelled at him, he for some reason fancies you"
Harry said leavingng me wide eyed.

"He does know...I'm with his brother right?"
Harry nodded. "Yes"
"Okay I need to sit down" I gulped sitting on one of the rocks. I always thought he hated me...when in fact it was the opposite.
That's messed up.

"Wait hold on a second how does this have to do anything with you avoiding me?"
I squinted my eyes at him suspiciously.

"Because he asked me to help him not like you anymore, so that's why he's avoiding you, forcing me to do the same"

"Rightttt, I'll be on my way then" I skidded around almost falling from speed waking away from Harry.
I thought Ron hated me all this time....
I can't believe this.
Do I tell George this or keep it to myself? Knowing him, he'll probably torment Ronald everyday. I giggled at that.

I yelped as someone rammed right into me.
"Watch where you're going" I yelled out.
"Well well look who we have here"
I cringed at her scratchy voice.

"Yeah bye Pansy" I rolled my eyes walking away.

"Awh couldn't be Draco's bitch so you had to go be that foul git's little money bag? I think we both know he'll milk you dry" Pansy smirked.

"Says the person who drools over someone who doesn't even know they exist. Atleast I'm actually with someone that cares for me"

"Oh yeah, well you're just dumb going for a weasley of all the choices in this school" Millicent laughed.
I felt the similar angry rising like before. It felt good, getting angry, I just want to let it all out.

"Millicent if your brains were gold you'd be poorer than the wealsey's" Pansy laughed as if it was the funniest thing in the world, insulting her own friend.

I raised my wand out of my cloak with Pansy still laughing horrendously. I smiled feeling happy about what's about to happen. I even almost started laughed.
"Petrificus Totalus" I hoarsely say.
Pansy reached for her wand but it was too late. Her body was struck and falling to the floor.

Everyone had run off by now probably seeing the crazy look in my eyes.
"Tarantellegra" I hissed, it sounded like I was speaking parseltongue? I've never done that during a spell before

I laughed watching Pansy's body try to dance with the binding spell still on, all of a sudden I was pushed back.  I felt like I was in third person. Watching from my own mind, locked away.
I watched on nervously as I felt forced to whisper.
"Cru-" I shook out of the trance like state I was in and slammed my hand to my mouth running away.
I didn't know what I was doing.
How is that even possible.

This was the second time I attempted to use an unforgivable curse. What's happening to me?
I leaned against the wall when I ran far enough. How could I even think of doing something like that?
I held my head in my arms and started to sob.
Dumbledore was right, I need to be fixed. I'm a threat to my own classmates.

Breathe in. Breathe out.
I'll take care of this. I have to, I couldn't risk being dangerous to my family or my friends.
My heart shattered at the thought of even hurting him.

I got up and ran to the other half of the castle. I'm determined to get rid of whatever the hell is happening to me.
I wiped my tears as it came down one more. I needed to be strong.

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