Talking makes us human

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Valentine's POV

Peeking around the corner, I made sure the coast was clear before making my next move.
"Come on let's go" Fluffy whispered hastily to me. My serpent friend was helping me break into the infirmary, yep you heard me right. Technically not break in though, we were just taking a different passage.

Breathing deeply to myself I found myself memorizing different ways of how I would greet the person I was taking so many risks to meet.
Can't believe I was actually doing this. George is in the infirmary wing, apparently Theo threw a couple successful punches as well. I still don't know what the fight was about, not that I would actually concern myself with it anyway.

Shaking my head, I pushed myself off the wall I was currently leaning on, quickly slipping in the infirmary. Scanning all the beds for my target. My narrowed eyes found George. He looked soundly asleep, too bad I was going to ruin that.
Fred told me I didn't have to talk to him anymore if I didn't want to, but I already told him this would be my first and last conversation with him. 

It's not news to anyone Theo and I are very close, so I guess you can say I'm LIVID he was in a fight especially since it was rumored that George threw the first punch.

I pulled the curtains around him, hopefully I'll be done before Madam Pomfrey decides to check on them. My stomach dropped seeing him laying there, swallowing back the emotions that was clinging to my throat, I tried to wake him up.

"Weasley" I nudged him.
"Hey wake up"

Slowly opening his eyes, George looked at me shocked that I was even here. His expression immediately turned guarded afterwards.

"What are you doing here?"
Ignoring his raspy voice I started.

"Look someone asked me to talk you so here I am. Telling you to stop with the pity party you got going on for yourself here. There are people that care for you, so stop disappointing them and be there. Be there for it all.
We got that clear?" Narrowing my eyes at him. Seeing him nod, I turned to leave. I got my satisfied answer now the rest is up to him. I basically gave him a wake up call of reality, if you put it that way.

"Do you care?" A whisper reached my ear, almost like he didn't want me to hear but at the same time it sounded like a confession of some sorts.

Turing around so fast, I almost gave myself a whiplash, I glared angrily at the wizard be for my eyes.

"How dare you."

Hanging his head low, it seemed he'd have given up. Looks like my pep talk didn't work after all, not that I cared of course.

"I care for you, well I did, but doesn't matter anymore. I shouldn't matter anymore" wanting to get out of here, I tried to hurry up the conversation.

"And why's that?" He asked.
My eyes narrowed on him.
"Because you condescending asshole, you caused this, you caused us to break apart. Not me, but you. So you do NOT get the right to question me. Goodbye." Grunting in irritation, I walked out of there. The nerve of that guy.

Focusing on my anger, I didn't even realize my vision was slowly changing into Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Not right now, please just not now.

Realizing what was happening, I slowed my breathing. I just need to breathe. George got me more ticked up than I would've liked, it was dangerous.

That's it. In and out. In and out.

Maybe some fresh air will do the trick. A few moths ago I realized I actually could control the darkness inside, I've been practicing per say.
My logic is- if I can challenge the power inside me, harness it , I could be powerful. I could help save lives, in more ways than one. But all powers of nature have consequences, if I let the 'slytherin' in me out for long I won't be able to bring it back in. And that thought terrifies me to the core.

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