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Valentine's POV

Sneaking a peak into the Great Hall I saw rows and rows full of members of  'Dumbledor's Army'. I felt no remorse for any of them, strangely I even felt contempt. George came directly into my line of sight. I wanted to look away I really did but I couldn't. Merlin I feel so weak. I watched as the words burned it's way into his hand, permanently scaring him for life. Frowning, I didn't like the idea of him being tortured like this. Actually the whole concept of resorting to physical punishment for minor was upsetting but there was really nothing I could do. Nothing they could do either.

Folding my arms, I wondered how long this would go on for.
My eyes solely on Geogre, because frankly he's the only reason a tiny bit of me even care to come.
But I wasn't only betrayed by Geogre, shifting my eyes to Luna I felt my frown deepen further. I know we weren't best friends or anything, but it would've been nice to be trusted for once. Plus given the fact Fred actually trusted her, it may have been the fact she's not a slytherin, to join him in their little group hurt. Why couldn't George do that?

But of course merlin forbid any of the slytherins are actually decent witches.

The sound of Umbridge's voice pulled me from my thoughts. She was addressing the students, their punishment were over but the scars? Everlasting.
Turning my back quickly, I pretended that I just happened to walk by. I don't want it to seem like I was waiting for Geogre. If anything he should be the one to try and talk to me.
Curiously though I saw that girl who gave them away, Cho, walked out with Harry. It seemed as if they were in a heated conversation. Hmm... I'm not one to gossip but I've heard when they were in the DA they got real close.

Seeing students drift off into various directions, I started to head back in my own. Not before someone bumped into me.
"Watch it" I glared at hermione.
"What's your problem Valentine?" Harry interrupted.

"You. You are my problem Harry. Actually you're everyone's problem" bitterly stating, I didn't regret it one bit. If he hadn't ask Geogre to join that stupid DA none of this would've happened.

"How am I everyone's problem, again?" Stepping up to me, he felt he had the upper hand. Hand to break it to you Potter, you don't.
"Since you killed Cedric, you've been causing this school all sorts of trouble. Don't you agree Cho?" Sending a smirk her way. I ignored all visual contact with George. No one said anything. Neither denying nor accepting.

So as always I took the opportunity to inflict as much pain I possible can.
"Oh but you won't agree with me won't you Cho? Aw poor thing probably forget all about Cedric while you were tonguing down Harry" Everyone started at me surprised while I kept my poker face in tact.

"How did y-"
"Oh come on Harry rumours fly" I laughed.

"You bitch" was I all heard before Cho flung herself at me. Stepping out of the way, she tumbled into Hermione.
"I suppose you want me to complain to Ms. Umbridge do you Cho? Because I can guarantee she prefers the word of a slytherin over well a ravenclaw" With a smug expression etched onto my face. 

"A word" Was all George said before hauling me away by the hand.
Struggling against his grip, he had no right.
"Let go of me Weasley"
Ignoring me, he dragged till we reached outside in the courtyard where it was empty.
"What are you doing Val?" I gaped at his question.
"What am I doing? WHAT AM I DOING?" repeating myself because I  want quite sure he heard me right.
"You have absolutely no right to ask me anything" I struggled against his grip.

"You're mad at me, I get that. But be mad at me alone. You don't have to take it on on everyone else" refusing to look him in the eyes, I felt his grip tighten.
"You listen to me Weasley, I trusted you. I trusted you with everything I had and what did you do? You threw it back in my face. So yeah I'm done being the nice guy. It doesn't seem to get me anywhere" my voice raising at every level. It got me even more mad to talk to him. I couldn't keep the anger out of my voice.

Not saying anything, I winced at his tight grip.
"Let me go Weasley. Now" Still not listening to me, I grew even more frustrated.
"You have to understand Val, I couldn't inform you of anything. It wasn't my decision"

Rolling my eyes, I snorted.
"I don't care whose decision it was. Now let me go"
Staring directly into my eyes, he didn't seem apologetic at all.
"You're not even sorry are you?" Shaking my head at his lack of response, I couldn't believe it.

"I did propose telling you but Hermione said that because you have such a tight knit relationships with the Malfoy's, your loyalty would be compromised, and I- I didn't object to it"

Feeling my heart shattered into a million pieces, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. The George I fell in love with would've never done this.

"Hermione? Hermione seriously? You know what go to her if you like her so damn much" turning my head to the side, I didn't want him to see the tears welling up in my eyes.

"That's not w-"
"You're hurting me George, Let me go" I whispered one final time, my voice cracking. He knew what I meant.
Pulling me close, it felt as though he was savouring the moment. I'd like to believe I want but I was melting in his scent. I didn't realize he released my hand until it fell at my side.

Not saying anything, I trudged away wiping my eyes with the back of my hand.

I felt hurt for sure, but I couldn't say he was fully wrong. But I knew if he had told me everything from the start I would've supported him fully and kept it a secret. But he didn't trust me, at all. And what's a relationship without trust?
Shaking my head, I just wanted to forget it all.

Walking around the corner, I stumbled holding onto the wall, my heart aggressively pumped to the point where I could hear the thumping in my own ears , not because of the situation at hand, no, this was something different.
The back of my head ached as I walked faster to the Slytherin common room, something was wrong.
Reaching the door, the headache pulsated even more making me groan in pain. Distracted by a millisecond I noticed Hogwarts shook as if a plane had landed right straight through it.

The dust from the crevices bounced out as it shook again. What in the world is happening?
Without warning, the slytherin door opened and majority of the students rushed out, pushing me in the process. Annoyed at the sudden riptide of slytherins, I wondered what was happening. My headache started to fade just as quickly as it came which was odd to say the least.

Heading back up, everyone was in a frenzy. Panic didn't set in until somebody screamed "Hogwarts is being attacked" it took me a second to process it but when I did I moved into action. Maneuvering through the crowded students tugging and pushing their way through, I went the opposite way, back to the slytherin common room. I had to find Pansy and Draco, what if they were hurt?!

Fluffy... she must be somewhere too. I won't leave without them. I can't.

Pushing my way through the still moving crowd, someone grabbed me.
"Fred what are you doing?" Screaming in frustration, I needed to find my friends.
"Come on George has been looking for you"
Without saying a word he pulled me behind him.
"No I have to find my friends" ripping my hand away, I tried to run back but Fred grabbed my waist and hoisted me off the ground while I was kicking at him. Pulling me and him through the crowd, we arrived at a secluded corner, where George and Harry was.
"Let go of me Fred, I need to find my friends" pushing at him again he wouldn't let me go. Why wouldn't he let me go? Breathing heavy, I needed to find them. They needed to be safe.

"You're friends are the ones who caused this" Harry said before taking out a shoe from his book.

"What? What do you mean?" Confused, no one answered me.
"Hold on" Harry yelled at all of us. Fred quickly pulled my hand with his  and place it over the tip of the shoe. Portkey of course.

Where was Draco and Pansy? I didn't see them anywhere. Well as far as I got anyways. I need to find them.

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