Common room

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Valentine's P.O.V

Everyone was staring at me in shock. Even the teachers! So like what am I supposed to do? Do I get up orr?

I was about to stand off the stool when Dumbledore finally spoke.
"Well Ms. Hargreaves this is an extremely rare case, but I believe you have a choice to make"

I looked around, everyone was still speechless. Bloody hell even I was.

Alright cool. I just have to pick a house now. No biggie right. Let's see. Firstly Gryffindor. I grimaced at even the thought of it. It seemed like an amazing house, but I just don't think I'd fit in...especially knowing that Godric Gryffindor one of the founders seemed like such an agrogant twat.
But my crush is in there, then again I didn't like the vibe of the people in that house. They even refused me a seat on the train...sigh.

Ravenclaw?honestly I don't think I'm  smart enough to fit in there. Hmm Hufflepuff...they seem so sweet but that's a no from me.

Slytherin on the other hand, almost all of the evil wizards were Slytherin. They give that house a bad name. I wanna prove them wrong. I wanna show them just how wonderful a Slytherin could be. I gave a little smirk I think I'd benefit from that house. Besides my only friends are in there. Something was telling me to join Slytherin.

I caught pansy's glance and gave her a knowing smile. Her eyes twinkled already knowing I'll be joining her soon.

The hat was removed from me by the professor. "Well what's it going to be?" She asked. I bet most of them thought I'd wanna be in the 'golden house'.

I smiled widely and announced "Slytherin".

There was a large up roar from my house.
After all when given the choice. Slytherin was chosen. I proudly walked down the short stairs on the way over to my house ignoring the weird looks from the professor, except one who was wearing all back with long black hair, now he looked smug. That's gotta be Slytherin's house head.

Pansy immediately pulled me into a hug when I came over to the long dining table. "Didn't think I'd leave you , did you?" I laughed and said.
"Nope, you made the right choice"
She sad, pulling me down to sit with her. Draco, Crabbe and Goyle came and sit with us. Guess this is my group now. I giggled happily.

"Your attention please"
Professor Mcgonagall said.

"Let the feast begin"
Headmaster Dumbledore announced.
He gave me major 'control everyone' vibes.

As soon as he said that the dinning table transformed into every food possible. Fried chicken, mashed potatoes, grapes lots and lots of food.
Basically how my personal heaven would looked.

I took about one of everything I could fit on my plate and began to dig in.
I smiled noticing Draco doing the same.

After about a good hour eating. The teachers instructed the prefects to take us to our common room. Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle walked ahead of me and Draco, I noticed he looked nervous too just like me. "Hey, aren't you nervous about seeing the common room?" I whispered seeing as the prefects were telling us where to walk.

He shrugged "No, not really" I grabbed onto his hand, "Well I am very nervous" I said slightly out of breathe. He gripped my hand tighter "Don't worry, I'll be here right by you"
I beamed at him. "See already making you feel better" I laughed as we walked. Glancing at the Gryffindor's, well at one person in particular, the Ravenclaw's and The Hufflepuff's all made their way up the stairs....while we went down.

Blimey I'm excited and nervous to see this.

We walked the stairs leading straight down to the dungeons? I hope it's at least comfortable. We passed many talking portraits, which slightly unnerved me but I could make great friends with them. Maybe.

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