Exhaustion at its finest

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Valentine's POV

Breathe in. Breathe out.
I can do this. Raising my hands I focused on shutting the door.
Closing my eyes, I swiped my hand through the air in a closing motion.
Opening one eye I saw the door was in place exactly as it was before.

Groaning in frustration, I flopped on the bed. Why can't things ever go my way?
"Come on we can try another one" Pansy urged me to get up.

"It's pointless, even if I do manage to shut one simple door how will I go about doing other stuff. You know the stuff that could possibly one day save my life"
Holding my head in my hands, a thought came to me.


"Unless what? I don't particularly like that look on your face" Pansy looked at me suspiciously.

"The only way I could see this working out is if we revert back to my original plans" I hinted, diverting my eyes to the door I just couldn't close.

"Which was? You've had lots of great ideas Val"
Ignoring the snotty comment, I revealed what I was going to do whether anyone liked it or not.

Standing nervously in front of the wooden door I hesitated to knock. What if things didn't go as planned? I know it will definitely take some convincing but hopefully he'll understand.
Come on Val. You can do this, if I just try it won't hurt anyone. Well I mean it could potentially hurt me but that's a whole other problem for a whole other day.
Preparing myself I raised my hand in a fist and knocked two times on the door.

The door swung open, Professor Snape stood looking at me with the same look of disgust he gave everyone.
"What do you want child?" Nasally asking.

I mentally prepared myself for what I was about to say.
"I want you to teach me"
"I already do" Snape was now turning his back ready to shut the door.

"Wait wait! I meant as in I want you you to teach me to control my abilities" I raised my eyebrow pointedly at him.

"Aren't you taking the potions that were provided?"

I nodded yes but I didn't know how to explain to Professor.
"I had a dream, please Professor. I just want to be in full control of my mind, so if anything and I mean anything happens. I'll be ready" My eyes pleading with him, I think he might just agree. 

Giving me a hard stare, he let out an irritated sigh.
"That must've been a very convincing dream Ms. Hargreeves. I'll see you tomorrow at 5am sharp"

Smiling, I eagerly nodded. I honestly did not expect him to agree. Skipping away I wanted to hug him, pushing that thought aside. He'd surely not even want to see me if I did that.
I went all the way to the dorms with a huge smile.

Running over to Draco and Pansy I said in a singsong voice.
"Guess who agreed to teach me"
Both of them looked at me wide eyed.

"Well don't keep us in suspense. Who?!"
Smiling at Draco, I couldn't contain my excitement any longer.

"Professor Snape"

"What the hell?"
Laughing at the two responses, I pulled the both of them into a tight hug.
"Now everything will be just fine" I whispered still smiling to myself.

Sitting on the couch I repeated Snape's exact words to them.

"That's exciting" Pansy commented looking genuinely happy.
"Why would Snape out of all the Professors at Hogwarts be generous?" Draco said thoughtfully.

That did make me wonder, but I didn't want to jinx it.

"It is weird but I'm just happy he agreed. Anyways children I'm off to George"
Saluting them I walked off not before hearing Pansy's comments about lovebirds this and lovebirds that.

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