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Valentine's POV

I smiled at myself in the mirror. Practicing. I felt like I haven't had a genuine smile in forever. I dabbed a bit more of concealer under my eyes. I never use makeup but I needed it today. I was going to accompany Harry to the Leaky Cauldron although he told me it was okay. I wanted to get out today.

I headed to the car with Harry and my aunt in tow. She was gonna drop us at Leakey Cauldron, Fluffy was already at the feet of the car when we got in. Harry jumped when he saw her but smiled eventually.
"Hey Fluff you doing alrite down there girl?" I asked which she nodded to.

"You can speak parseltongue?" Harry asked surprised.
"Yes Harry I'm a slytherin" I laughed.
Harry watched me for a bit too long.
"I'm only joking Harry"
"Oh" he laughed.
"What? Didn't think us slytherins can joke?" I asked seriously for a second then burst out laughing.
"Got it this time" he said smiling at me. I smiled brightly back, I was starting to feel like myself again, no more crying Val.

When we got there, my aunt gave me a kiss on the cheek and gave Harry a big hug making him promise to visit soon again. "Fluffy you know what to do"
"Yeah Yeah stay out of sight, don't cause any trouble and meet you at the train station" I smiled and nodded.

"You guys have been friends long?" Harry asked as we walked inside to the Leaky Cauldron. "As long as I could remember, she's my best friend. Besides it's not like she can tell anyone my secrets now can she"
I said jokingly.

"Well now I'm here" Harry laughed.
Suddenly a hunched over man appeared in front of us, beckoning to Harry. I was going to follow but Harry said it was alrite, that he would come right here as soon as he was done. Apparently the Minister wanted to see him. Guess he actually is that famous.

I nodded and walked over to the stools. I sat and started to just think about everything that has been going on. I already miss my aunt, surprisingly miss Draco's parents too. I mean I've spent some time with them, a lot of time actually. It was nice, it felt like a family especially when my aunt and the Malfoy's would get together and have a meal. I couldn't help but notice there was a slight distaste between them. I think it's the fact Lucius and Narcissa hate mughleborns and muggles.
And my aunts a squib, which is close enough for a muggle, but they tolerate it and that's the part that confuses me. I think they're doing it for me.

I heard my mom was best friends with them back in Hogwarts, how she was everything good but when she and dad died it's like everything fell apart. I feel proud of my parents for always following the good path. I'll make them proud.

"Honestly why are you always everywhere we go? Like a curse or something"
I rolled my eyes when I heard that voice. Ron. "Good to see you too Ronald" I glanced at him with Hermione by his side. Of course.

"Listen here you filthy little-"

"Ron! She's here with me"
Harry said coming down the stairs. He glared hard at Ron until he backed down. Hermione didn't seem like she was too eager to say much either.

But after an awkward of silence and Harry forcefully pulling me to the table where the Weasley's are. No. No. No. No. No. No. I would see him.

Please no. My heart can't take that. It would break to see him. I'm already in enough pain.

Ron, Hermione and Harry were sitting, surrounding a picture of Ron's family in Egypt.
I closed my eyes and blocked out the sound of Ron's voice droning on and on. Does he ever shut up?

"Not flashing that clipping again?" No I know that voice. Where Fred is George is.

My heart beat grew raidly as I tried to control my breathing. I can already feel my tear ducts opening again and I haven't even seen the guy yet! Damn it Val pull it together. You're a strong independent female.

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