What a night

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Valentine's POV

A week later

Stirring the mixture, my mind was distant from reality.

Cold hands were placed on my shoulder, I was used to it by now. I was used to my father. He always checked in with me.
"Is it finished, my princess?" Nodding, I felt absolutely no remorse for what my mixture of death was about to be used for- more like on who it was about to be used.

It was a special concoction I perfected over the past week. I barely talked to anyone, maybe Draco but we never conversed for long. I wasn't in a talking mood which only made my boiling rage highten.

"We have a meeting in a few minutes. Come"
Without a word, I followed behind him.

Entering the room, I scanned the other chairs which were filled with death eaters some I recognized, some I didn't. They were all pure bloods, that I know for sure.
My father sat at the head, while Nagini slithered on the giant table, efficiently petryfing most of the followers.

Sitting on the right hand seat adjacent to the Dark lord, I was face to face with my mother. I looked at her coldly, I had no words to say to her and she had none to me. She was nothing but the simple vessel I was brought to this world in. She was nothing to me.

"What do you have on the boy?"
I didn't understand my father's fascination with Potter, yes he may be the only one ever to survive the killing curse but was he that special? It didn't hit me that Potter was one of the only people who posed a threat to my father until I saw it.

"I um have um some reliable information on Potter." A pot bellied man stuttered.
"Well then? TELL ME"
Almost everyone jumped at his angry tone. I kept my cool, for the shortest time I've known my father, I know he doesn't hesitate to kill anyone who doesn't comply or stays silent. But he'd never harm me, believe me I've tested his temper.

"He's staying at the headquarters, the secret one that formed the army. They still lead in Dumbledore's honor"
I bristled at the sound of his name, the hatred I had for that man surpasses all. He knew Draco was in pain, he knew all along but he chose not to help him. Not to help my best friend. I hated him.

"Dumbledore's dead. If you don't want to follow in his stead, I suggest you give us more informative information." Glaring at the man, I felt stares on me. The one that stood out the most was my father's proud gaze.
"You heard my daughter" The dark lord croaked.

"My lord if I may, I heard the boy's moving from that location to the Weasley's."
Staring at Hogwarts new principle, I entered his mind with ease. He didn't even realize. I knew he was a traitor, my father didn't. If he attempted to enter the mind of the half blood prince, it would be immediately sensed. Unlike my magic which is much more subtle.

Hiding my smirk, I closed my eyes zoning in more on his past memories.

I saw flashes of him with Harry's mother, how he begged Voldemort to spare her. He gave up that other gryffindor's boy location instead of Harry's so he'd be spared. How foolish of him.
Moving to the more recent ones, he was telling the truth about the moving. However he failed to mention they (Dumbledore's army) would be in disguises looking exactly like the famous Harry Potter. They would have a clean get away. That is, if I didn't just saw everything.

'Father I need to speak with you'
I sent a message to him via our minds.

Who knew it would take the most powerful dark wizard to teach me to take control over my magic. He taught me in a week what Snape couldn't do in a month.

Did he do that on purpose, I wonder.
Hmm I'll have to look into that.

The dark lord abruptly ended the meeting and motioned for me to follow him.
Leading us into his chamber, he looked at me expectantly.
"I'd much prefer to show you"
Grasping his hand in mine, I ignored the frigid coldness of them.

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