Chapter 26

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I spent the last few days, trying my best to avoid Draco. I tried not walking in the corridors, and finding alternate paths to head to my classes and skipped every class I had with him.

Since, I knew If I didn't do so I couldn't resist myself around him and forget about what my mother said. I was able to avoid him when it was time to eat, because I always went when it first started and he usually always arrives in the Great Hall last.

It was dinner time, I rushed my way to the Great Hall and was about to go to the the Slytherin table, where someone called my name. It was Hermione, I was surprised. I didn't even see her, Ron nor Harry because I was too focused on eating quickly and going back to my chambers before Draco arrived.

"Come sit with us Cordelia" she offered. Ugh.. I really couldn't lose any time, but Hermione has always been so nice to me, so it would be extremely rude to turn down her offer. So I sat next to Harry and faced her with a light smile on my face.

"How have you been? How have you been holding up after you woke up?" she inquired. I'm so sick of this question, I feel like a parrot repeating the same words over and over again.

"I've been trying my best to catch up on my classes" I replied sighing.

"Oh yes! You must be very overwhelmed. If you need a helping hand I'm always there." she assured. She's so nice. Her aura is so warm and kind that I just want to tell her everything. She was very understanding when I told her about me and Cedric.

Which makes me think, I haven't heard of him in such a long time. I don't even know how he's keeping up with the tournament, or even what is happening in the tournament.

However, If I tell her, I don't know if she would be as supportive as she was with Cedric, when I tell her what's been going on with Draco. He's quite frankly always been an arse to the golden trio. She also looks like someone who wouldn't judge, but I don't know for sure, and I prefer to not take that risk.

I could tell Harry, but I've never spoken to him before, and it'll be very awkward, because Draco is his literal enemy. And I'm not gonna even start with Ron, he looks like he has no knowledge about anything related to feelings or romanticism.

Even if I tell them, what can they even do about it?

As I was having an internal debate, I saw Draco and Zabini entering the hall. This wasn't suppose to happen. I panicked.

Have I been here for that long? Is dinner almost over? I checked the time hurriedly, and saw that it wasn't.

So what is he doing here this early?

When they sat down, I saw them both looking at me. Which was odd, I mean I get why Draco is looking at me, but why was Zabini starring as well.

Had he told him?

I don't think so.. Draco is pretty private, from what I know so far. After a moment of staring at them, I realized that my mom can't find out can she?

How could she even know, what I've been feeling towards him? But, also my education is on the line.. So I don't know.. Is he that worth it? Yes.. He is..

But what If she finds out, and I go back to Beauxbatons. I mean I can just be careful can't I?

Yes I can, I've gotten away with so many things before, why would this particular situation be different?

However, if this is going to work, I owe Draco an apology.

Even though, I hate apologizing, I really have to. He deserves it.

On that note, I abruptly got up from the bench without saying anything, and made my way towards the Slyhterin table.

Draco's eyes widened, seeing me finally acknowledging him. I saw Blaise, grin at Draco and elbow him in the ribs, which Draco hissed at. I plopped down on the bench, right next to Draco at stared at him.

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