Chapter 42

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I wasn't able to manage to say a single word as he stormed out of my room and slammed the door behind him.

I didn't run after him. I didn't want to run after him. He was a death eater..

A death eater. All those times I thought it was a bloody allergy, he was scratching his mark. His dark mark. How could I have been so stupid..

Now it all made sense. The way he acted. The way he ignored me. Cursed at me. Treated me.

It makes sense.

I curled up into my bed and tried to process everything that just happened. I could probably say that this was really one of the most eventful nights of my life.

I didn't know what to feel. Did he like being a death eater? Was he proud or forced to be one?

His face when he showed me his mark didn't really seem like he was proud of it, but rather broken by it.

It hurt seeing him like that. Salazar knows how long he has been like this and I didn't have a single clue.. I treated him like shit.

How could I have not seen what was right in front of me?

I never tried to understand him. I only criticized him for his actions and was blinded by them but didn't see underneath them. I didn't see the reason that made him act so cruel towards me, but now it makes sense.

Even though he treated me like shit and played with my emotions, what he did today still showed he still had some human decency in him and cared for me. At least I hope he did.


A couple of days had gone by and thankfully there was no sign of Akoni. I don't know what happened to him but he disappeared. Every Time I saw Claudio, I first thought it was Akoni because of their identical resemblance but seeing his navy blue eyes assured me it wasn't him.

He tried to approach me but I always ignored him or turned the other way. I know that what Akoni did had nothing to do with him, but their resemblance made me uncomfortable.

I'm not even sure he knows what his brother attempted to do to me.

As for Draco, he was again nowhere to be found. Everytime we have an argument he seems to disappear but I don't know where. I might start borrowing Harry's map to find him and find out where he's been 'hiding'.


I had two more classes left today. Transfiguration and The Defense Against the Dark Arts. I headed to my Transfigurations class which I was clearly failing, since I didn't submit any of the essays for the course.

I sat at my usual place, alone. The only people I knew in this class were Claudio, Draco and Ginny. Claudio was sitting right behind me and Milicent was seated next to him. Bulstrode irritated me for some reason. I don't know if it was her intense gaze or her repulsive personality. I considered taking a seat next to Ginny at the beginning of the semester but she had already sat next to Luna. I feel like Luna doesn't really like me and my presence for some reason or maybe I'm just overthinking it too much.

"Take out a quill and I will lend you your exam" said Mcgonnogal from the front of the class.

Fuck. I totally forgot the test was today. Now I'm for sure failing this class. If only Hermione was next to me right now I'd just copy everything from her.

"All of your test prompts are different so don't even consider looking at what your camarades are writing" she added.

Well great then. I'm screwed. Why do professors even bother coming up with multiple exam prompts? It's equally painful for us than it is for them. Why complicate things when they can be simple? But who am I to judge Mcgonnogal for her actions since I'm equally guilty for complicating things. Look at my life.. It's chaotic.

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