Chapter 17

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We approached the Slytherin Common Room as I was about to say the passcode out loud, I remembered that Hermione isn't allowed to know the password nor enter. I really wanted her to come in with me, but I was afraid that I would possibly be expelled, if there was a prefect around, and I really don't want to go back home.. At least not yet..

"Hermione, so.. I can't let you in," I said.

"Oh yes.. It totally slipped my mind, I was too distracted with what just happened" she answered.

"Thank you for walking with me, I really appreciate it," I admitted, and hugged her tightly . It felt so nice to hug someone. I didn't let go for at least five seconds.

"Yes, of course, don't worry about it. I'll see you at the Great Hall tonight" she assured, with a warm smile on her face.

"Yes!" I exclaimed and she left.

Everyone really needs a Hermione in their life.

"Pure-Blood" I babbled and the portrait let me in. I walked through the narrow corridor and saw someone sitting on the couch by the fireplace.

It of course was the one and only Draco Malfoy, that always appeared to be everywhere I happened to step foot in.

He turned his head towards me, half of his face was glowing from the heat of the fire. He kept twitching. His hair was all messed up, and his face covered in dirt. I assume it's because he was just transfigured into a ferret 15 minutes ago.

He smirked and looked up and down at me.

"Wow.. you look dashing" he divulged.

He's such a player, he probably said that to 20 other girls today. He thinks I don't know what he did. I'm not gonna fall for his fucking tricks again.

"Whatever.." I muttered and headed to the stairs.

"Wait, what happened?!" he asked concerned and jumped out of the couch. I ignored him.

"Cordelia!! Are u deaf! " he yelled.

Ugh! I hate when people called me that. Pansy's voice shouting the same words at me echoed in my head, I felt raw frustration shoot through me. I clenched my fists and resisted turning around. Kept my head held high and went up the stairs.


Who is he, thinking he can give orders to me? I just hate men.. well in this case boys that think they can control me. I don't have to fucking turn around and answer.

I owe him absolutely NOTHING!

But my frustration got the best of me, and I turned around.

"OR WHAT?! WHAT WILL YOU DO. FUCK MY OTHER ROOMATE? LEAVE ME ALONE" I yelled back. He gave me a very bizarre look. His eyes and mouth were frozen wide open in an expression of stunned shock. He raised his eyebrows, and his forehead was creased. He couldn't move, he was locked in place.

"What?? What are you talking about?" he looked extremely out of it and confused.

Why is he acting like he doesn't know what I'm talking about. What I said was very clear. It would save us so much time, if he were to be honest with me for once...

"That's what I thought!" I'm so disappointed and done with him. At least he can just admit it.. admit that he's nothing but a player.

"What is going on? Who the fuck even is you're roommate?! I wasn't wrong when I said you were fucking mental Cordelia!" he spilled.

Ugh this fucker! I was quivering in anger at this point, but I knew I had to control my temper. So I closed my eyes, took a very deep breath. Looked back at him dead in the eyes.

"You know exactly who I'm talking about and what you did... At least don't lie about it!.. I
answered in a calm but broken tone.

"You know what Malfoy, I don't want even want to hear what you have to say or your pathetic voice and lies! Stop this nonsense! I actually thought there was something special about you, but I was wrong. And, I wasn't mistaken either, when I called you an egotistical prick. You are nothing but a filthy lying bastard, that entertains himself by bullying people and ruining others lives, to try to make up the fact that you come from a fucked up family that doesn't care or love you! So just leave me alone and don't you dare ever speak my name nor command me to do anything!" I added.

His jaw dropped. Wow.. I can't believe I just said that. It was really harsh but I couldn't help myself. I know it's not his fault that he comes from a broken family that is loyal to the Dark Lord, but his actions are in his hands at least in Hogwarts.. for now..

His face went blank. He looked at me with a very unique expression. I never saw him like this before.

I did feel kind of bad for saying it, but I couldn't let my empathetic side takeover so, I turned around before he could say anything and went to my chambers. Slammed the door and sadness clouded my features. I laid on my bed, got under my covers, hugged my pillow and bursted into tears.

I cried for seconds that turned into minutes and then to hours. My eyes went dry. I physically couldn't let another tear escape my eyes. It was getting harder and harder to breathe. I was basically gasping for air, but I couldn't move. I felt my blood pounding in my ears and my vision was disfigured. I couldn't see clearly what was a couple inches away from me, even if I narrowed my eyes. My head was killing me, I felt dizzy. I started to shiver, even if my room was boiling hot. I couldn't keep my eyes opened, they were slowly shutting down.


"Wake up"


I felt someone carrying me somewhere, I couldn't tell who it was nor where we were headed.

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