Chapter 11

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I was in the library, trying to find a book that contained a spell that would let me put Draco's name in the cup. It was already 7 pm and the deadline to put your name in the cup was 9 pm. While I was rushing through a couple of books at the same time, a girl approached me. She had frizzy, untamable dark hair and brown eyes. She was a Gryffindor, I could tell from her cloak.

"You seem lost.. Are you looking for something? I read every single book here already. I could help you." she proposed. How did she read all of the books here? That's impressive, how does one have this much spare time?

"Yeah, I want to put someone's.. Uhh.. I mean my name in the cup. Is there any spell you can recall that would help me? " I asked. I couldn't tell her I wanted to put Draco's name, she looked like the kind of girl that would immediately tell the headmaster. The last thing I wanted was to be expelled from Hogwarts.

"Why would you want to do such a thing?" she asked, concerned lifting her eyebrow. I didn't know what to say.

"I dunno.. I'm ill and I want to participate in this tournament before I die. I have a very limited time left. It has been my only wish since I was a kid" I lied. Her eyes were wide open and her facial expressions showed a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow.

"Oh.. I'm really sorry.. As much as I would like too, I'm afraid I can't help you.. This is very wrong.. you and I both would be expelled. I can't afford such a thing. There also isn't any spell for that". I was kinda annoyed at her, I could tell she was lying. If she read all the books here, there must be a spell. I refuse to believe her.

"Ok. Fine. Could you leave me alone now. Thanks" I muttered. I mean I get it, she doesn't want to be expelled, which is fair. But, I'm just so pissed at Draco that I can't think this clearly. I know I was rude to her but, I didn't have any time to spear. She gave me a weird look and left.

I was desperately searching for a spell, time was ticking, I started getting more and more anxious and was on the verge of giving up. Suddenly I heard footsteps approaching me. It was the frizzy haired girl.

"I might have an idea," she said. I was so surprised to see her. I thought she already made up her mind into not helping me.

"I'm surprised you came back. What do you have in mind?" I asked.

"Yeah, I didn't think so either. However, when you said you were ill, I tried to put myself in your shoes and if I was in the same situation as you, I would probably want someone to help me actualize my last dying wish." she admitted. I feel terrible for lying now, she's actually pretty nice. I don't know if I should tell her that It isn't my name I want to put.

" Well, last week, in class we learned how to make Amortentia. It's the most powerful love potion in existence. It causes a powerful infatuation or obsession from the drinker. It has a distinctive mother-of-pearl sheen, and steam rises from it in characteristic spirals.. I kept some with me. I was thinking, you could give Amortentia to someone in year 6 or 7 and since it would be impossible for them to resist a request coming from you, they would put your name in the cup." she added.

"That's actually brilliant! Wow! Ok so who should we give it to? What's your plan? Also I still didn't get your name?" I reacted immediately, I was so excited. This girl really is a genius. This might honestly work. Wow for once something is going right..

"Oh yes of course. I'm Hermione Granger. What's your name?" she asked.

"I'm Cordelia Reinders. Pleasure" I answered.

" What I was thinking is, right now it's dinner time. You could put a drop of Amortentia into someone's food and then ask them to put your name in the cup. But, we have to leave now, dinner ends in.. *checks clock on the wall* 14 minutes, " she said. I immediately jumped up from my chair.

"Let's go!" I exclaimed. While we were walking in the direction of the Great Hall, I still felt bad for lying to her but, If I told her now we would probably run out of time and dinner would end. She also would probably not help me but again, everyone seemed to hate Draco here so maybe she would. I couldn't risk it tho, so I decided to go along.

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