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-Chica's POV-

"What?! Controlled?!" I yell as Freddy shushes me.

"You don't want anyone to come and get cha do you?" He says scanning the area.

I shook my head as Freddy nodded at me.

"Exactly, now. I'll explain to you when we get back to Parts and Service."

Freddy started walking back to Parts and Service as I trailed behind him. I walked beside him and saw he had a smirk on his face.

"By the way, I know you like Foxy."

I looked away and got embarrassed.

"Shut up, you stalker."

He laughed quietly and smirked.

"Hey, it's not my fault you don't notice me looking at you guys talking." Freddy says smiling.


Freddy covered my mouth and glared at me.

"Hey, I said you don't wanna get caught right?"

I sigh as he let go of my mouth. We arrived at Parts and Service, then we went inside. Foxy was still lying there offline. I sat at my regular spot as Freddy sat across from me.

"I usually sit over there unnoticed by you guys." Freddy pointed to darkness as I glance over there.

It was pitch dark. No wonder we didn't notice him. We thought nothing was there.

"Ok, now explain." I say looking at him.

"Marionette isn't just a puppet, I don't know if he told you guys yet.. But he controls people to do his own personal will. In a matter of fact he controls everyone in this building. To know if they are controlled is looking at their personality. If the personality is acting really strange then they are being controlled."

"How do I know if you are being controlled?!" I protest.

"Because, Marionette doesn't know about me.. Yet." Freddy says grinning. "I lurk in the shadows and no one every finds me. I roam through the halls and hide most of the time. It was very lucky for you to find me and for your friend Foxy."

"How do you snap them out of their trance?" I ask.

"Well, you have to break the strings."


"The strings."


"I said the strings, are you deaf?"

"No, I'm just saying what strings."

"Marionette uses them to control your friends. He controls them like they are his puppets."


"Now, to snap them out of their trance again, you need to cut the strings."


"You just, snap em in half."

"Exactly how?"

"You ask too many questions."


"Anyway, you cut it by using something sharp."

"Where is the strings at?"

"In his gift box no big deal."

"No big deal?!"

"Well maybe, just it may be complicated to get in."

"So, ho-"


I stopped and giggled at him a little. I loved irritating him.

"We secretly have to let him go away from the box, and then we jump in and cut the strings ya know."

"When do we s-"


"Sorry, continue."a

"He usually leaves in the morning. But kids will be running around and we don't wanna be caught."

"Let's start tomorrow."

"Yeah, let's try tomorrow. One of us might be controlled so watch out."

Freddy grins at me and goes into the shadows and hide himself.

"Remember I'm always here." He chuckled.

I sat there trying to think. Snap them out of their trance by cutting the strings. I lay down and smirk to myself. I'm ready to do this..

Not now, tomorrow because I wanna sleep.


The endin doe!! No cliffhanger this time!! Maybe. PLEASE NOT BE A CLIFFHANGER!! I tried my best to not make this a cliffhanger because you all need rest and a reward for this book to almost reach 8k reads.



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