(Ch 30) Those words

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I screamed and jolted upward. I looked around to see Chica, Bonnie, and Marionette looking down at me.

"Foxy you ok?" Chica asks as I tried to remember what happened just a few moments ago.

You can't

Those words flash in my head. You can't. What does that mean? If I tell them they will think I'm crazy.

"Y-Yeah I'm totally fine." I mutter.

I swear I saw Marionette give me a dirty look. Maybe it was just the face ha.

"You were passed out for an hour." Bonnie says. "We thought you malfunctioned."

What happened? All I remember were those words 'you can't', and everyone disappearing. That's right.. Toy Chica.

"Where's Toy Chica?" I ask.

"I don't know, I blinked and she disappeared." Marionette spoke.

That's right. Before I could do anything.. She vanished. And then everyone started to vanish too.

"Did anyone get knocked out a while ago?" I ask.

They all shook their heads.

"No, you only." Bonnie says.

Why me? Should I ask what happened in that hour?

You can't

Those words spoke out at me.

"Can you tell me what happened after I was knocked out?" I ask.

Silence. Just, silence. No one answered me.


No reply. What is wrong with them? They are like in a trance!! I waved my hook in front of each of them but they didn't move. Except Marionette.

"Foxy, isn't there.. A lil voice in your head?" Marionettes raspy voice asked.

"Erm, yeah." I say.

"You should listen to it." Was all he said.

How does he know? Once he ended his sentence Chica and Bonnie blinked and snapped out of something.

"Foxy you ok?" Chica asks again?

"Erm.. Yeah. Didn't I tell you that?"

No reply.

"You were passed out for an hour." Bonnie says again?!

What is going on?

"We thought you malfunctioned."

"Erm.. I didn't. But you said that 3 minutes ago."

No reply. I waved my hook in front of them and no response. Huh? What's going on?

"I don't know, I blinked and she disappeared." Marionette says.

Did I go backwards in time?

"No, you only." Bonnie says.

You can't

Again. Those words repeat. Then I started talking?

"I hate all of you." 'I' say.

"WHAT?! THAT ISNT WHAT I SAID!!!!" I yelled but they didn't hear me.

Chica stepped back and looked at me.

"Really?" She says.

'Myself' looked at Chica and I felt him glare.

"Yes, especially you." 'I' hissed.

"NO!!! I DONT MEAN IT!!!!!!!" I yelled.

She looked at 'me' in horror and ran away. Bonnie turned to 'me' and he gave 'me' a dirty look.

"What is wrong with ya?!" He yelled. "You made her upset now! Think of what you did Foxy!"

Bonnie ran away to Chica and I was left alone with Marionette.

"I-I.. Don't understand." I mutter.


I turn to see Marionette smirking at me. I can actually move and talk now!

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"You had to ask the question." He hissed.


"Those words You can't.."he muttered. "Simply says you can't!! So you had to just say it out loud, and this is what you did."

"But.. I never said I hated them." I growled.

"Oh," Marionette smirked. "I did."

My eyes widened as he came closer.

"No one will believe you anymore." He hissed. "Not even Chica, the girl who liked you since you met."

Wait a minute. How does he know? I growled at him but I couldn't move at all. He laughed and circled me.

"I know everything." He says. "I know what you did Foxy.. 6 years ago."

I froze right there. He has went too far!! I growled at him and he laughed.

"Come at me! Like you can." He smirks.

I tried moving and moving, but he kept laughing at me.

"They hate you now," he smiles. "And it's your fault for not listening."

"I WILL KILL YOU!!!!!" I yelled.

"I'm sorry Foxy." He smirks.

"You can't."


Marionette is evil I tell you!!!!!!!! Hehe cliffhanger XD I gotta stop doing that. Comment if u agree :)



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