(Ch 34) Memories for the Duck.. I mean Chicken!

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-Chica's POV-

"N-No!" Bonnie exclaimed as Marionette smirked at me.

I stepped back and hit the wall. I really don't wanna know what happens.. Foxy and Bonnie has been through it and I can tell it gets, painful. (THATS WHAT SHE SAID) Obviously it does because they were yelling and screaming in pain!

"G-Get away from me." I stutter as Marionette smirked at me.


I sat in the cell all alone. It was a cold, damp place. I hated it here. I don't understand why I stay here, rather live here.. I sighed and looked out the bars. There was a small shadow figure peeking through the frame of the entrance. I looked closely to see it had ears, a muzzle, and a hook? That's all I could see really. I look to the right and see Mike staring at the entrance. He shrugged and begun his work.

The figure stepped in and his eyes went open at the sight. 'I know right' I thought to myself. Mike heard his footstep and grabbed something from his table. It looked like a cloth. He tiptoed to where the fox was and wrapped it forcefully around his mouth. (That's what she said?.. I think? XD) I saw Mikes henchmen grab the Fox and showed it to Mike.

"Put him with the chicken, we will deal with him later." He says.

The henchmen dragged the fox closer to my cell and I backed to the wall. They threw him in my cell as I flinched.

"Take care of the fox will ya?" One henchmen says smirking.

"Make sure he don't eat cha."

They both walk away as I stare at the fox. He had an eyepatch on his eye, brown shorts, a hook, and a red calm fur. He was sprawled on the floor knocked out. I noticed I was checking him out and then blushed. 'Chica, why the heck are you checking out a fox that was just thrown in your cell?' My thoughts asked me. "I don't know.. Because he is hot?" I mutter looking at him. I slap my self hard and I could tell my face was going insanely red.

After a few hours the fox groaned. The fox blinked his eyes but I could tell he was seeing blurry things.

"H-Hey." I mutter.

The fox turns toward me as I blush lightly. He closed his eyes and shook his head and tilted his head a little.

"W-Who are you?" He asks backing away a little.

"Chica, who are you?" I ask.

"F-Foxy.." He replies shyly.

Aww he was cute being shy. 'Chica, you are acting like you are the boy!!' My mind yelled. I rolled my eyes but made sure Foxy couldn't see it. It was silence for a while until I asked him what happened. He told me how he activated a switch on a tree and then he ended up here. We talked for a bit and figured out he was the same age as me. Foxy started talking about his 'brother' who was a bunny named Bonnie who treated Foxy like a true brother. I got interested in his words he was saying to me and I couldn't resist him. We laughed a little at some things he pointed out. That was the first time I actually laughed.

I felt this feeling that was called, happiness I'm sure of it. I yawned and saw Foxy looking at me worriedly.

"Sorry, am I boring you?.." He asked innocently.

"N-No! Not at all, just sleepy." I say blushing a little.

Geez, I am getting all weird when I am around him or talk to him. I'm guessing I like him.. I guess. I lay on the floor as Foxy stared at me.

"Erm, hope you enjoy your sleep. I'll protect you Chica." He says assuring me as he watches the cell bars.

I turn so my back is facing him as my face goes red.


I gasped and looked around me. It was the pizzeria again. Bonnie looked at me breathing heavily.

"A-Are you ok?.." He asks.

Marionette glared at him as Bonnie returned the glare.

"Y-Yeah, why?" I ask.

All I know is I got a memory of when I figured out I had a crush on Foxy.

"You were.. Muttering things like 'no' 'why' 'how' and all sorta of things." Bonnie says staring at me.

"What?.." I ask.

My memory wasn't that bad.

"Oh yes it was." Marionette says looking at me.

"You can read minds?!!" I exclaimed.

He smirked at me and laughed.

"Yes, yes I can, your memory was terrible." Marionette says grinning.

"How?.." I ask.

"Foxy, will never like someone like you. He thinks you are pathetic and useless. Whenever he looks at you he gets disgusted." He says smirking at me.

"THAT ISNT TRUE!!" Bonnie yelled.

Marionette glanced at Bonnie and walked toward him.

"Shut up." Marionette hissed.


Marionette kicked Bonnie in the stomach and I could hear him groan in pain. I heard gears clanking like a machine going nuts.

"Leave him alone!" I say staring at Bonnie in pain.

"Why should I? This is after all 'Foxy's Brother' is it not? I thought you hated him?"

I gasped in pain somewhere in my heart and screamed.

"I hate all of you." Foxy hissed.

"Really?.." I ask.

He turned his head to me and glared.

"Yes, especially you." He says giving me a dirty look.

My eyes widened. I backed up and started to tear up. Robots can't cry.. But why am I? I ran. I ran to Parts and Service. I could hear Bonnie yelling at Foxy about how he hurt my feelings. I sat in a corner and hugged my knees. I was alone, upset, and sad. Why would he say that? Bonnie then came in and comforted me.

"Don't worry, Foxy is just being a douche." He says trying to comfort me.

I nod and sat there. Something is wrong with him.

"Yes, there is something wrong with him Chica." Marionette voice entered.

I fall to the ground and yelled in pain.


"You must suffer more!" He exclaims. "But, I'll continue tomorrow after 6 AM."

He laughs and I see all three of us excluding Marionette in Parts and Service. My breathing became calmer. Foxy was still knocked out and Bonnie was in pain. I ran to them making sure they were ok. Bonnie said he was fine as I rolled my eyes. We looked toward Foxy to see him twitching at random times. What did Marionette do to him?


Is this a cliffhanger? I hope not because this isn't really one. Ok maybe it is.. But for me it isn't.



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