(Ch 42) Afraid

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-Foxys POV-

"Like I said, so many distractions." I pout.

Marionette evilly laughed as everyone in the room glared at him. There was dead silence as Marionette smirked at every single one of us.

"Heh, 1 V 4. That isn't fair." Marionette says pointing at the 4 of us.

"You wanna fight?" Bonnie asked turning to Marionette. "We will give you a fight."

Marionette laughed as Bonnie got frustrated even more. Randomly there was a crash and a cheerful laugh coming from behind Marionette.

"Make that 1 v 6!" BB exclaimed with Mangle by his side.

"Yeah!" Mangle cheered.

"Finally you get here." I say smiling to see them.. Inside I was scared.

BB did help us a little after all. The puppet stood there turning to us and then to Mangle and BB. He just smirked at us all.

"Hmp, Well this isn't fair." Marionette says rolling his dark eyes. "Since the strings are cut I don't know what to do."

"Just, leave us alone and let us outta here." I say trying to sound confidently but I just couldn't.

"Never!" Marionette boomed which filled the room with echoes which made a chill come down my robotic back.

"Then we'll fight you!!" Freddy exclaimed with courage.

Marionette scoffed as his eyes glowed blood red. His body stiffed and he gave out an evil laugh.

"So be it."

In a dash Marionette teleported to Bonnie and started throwing punches no one could see. Mangle and BB jumped at him trying to pry him away. I looked behind me to see Chica trembling with Freddy beside her some what, protecting her. Why am I the one who should be the hero? The hero right now is scared.. And terrified. BB giggled a 'hi' and started whacking Marionette with his sign. I snickered a bit but snapped out of it looking at Marionettes expression. Marionette got very irritated and pushed BB off. BB fell as Mangle started hitting him over and over either with her uh.. Other head.. Or her legs. I don't even know why. Marionette growled and made a purple sphere around him. It looked like a shield because Mangle flew back and hit the wall. Ouch.

The purple sphere gave off a light purple glow as little purple particles came off of it. Marionette turned to the last three of us while his eyes glowed red. He stepped close to us as we stepped back. No matter what I didn't wanna touch that purple sphere. I.. Was terrified. I didn't feel like a hero anymore. I wanted to give up. Freddy stepped in front of Chica and I as Marionette stared.

'I hate all of you.. You all should know that especially you'

I looked around to see who said that but there was no sound except Marionette laughing.

'Foxy, being afraid is fine."

"What?" I muttered.

I turn to Chica to see her worried. Freddy growled and started punching at the sphere as Marionette started throwing little purple balls of light at him. But each time he dodged all of them.

"What's wrong?" Chica asked.

"Did you say something?" I ask.

She shook her head as I sigh. What was that? I heard a yell as Freddy was flung across the room. Marionette laughed as Freddy went offline. His purple sphere was gone but I was afraid. I stepped back as I did Marionette looked at my direction.

"What happened? 'Courageous one'?" Marionette mocked.

"I-I ahh.. uh.." I stuttered speechless.

I was scared. I just wanted to leave and be done. But I couldn't. Chica noticed my expression on my face and turned to Marionette. She stepped forward as I panicked.

"W-what are you doing? You are gonna get yourself killed!" I say frightened.

"So? At least it was worth it.. Sometimes fear takes over and you just can't stop.. Being afraid. But courage steps in fears spot and you conquer your fear by doing it for everyone around you.. To those who believe in you."

I stood there shocked and surprised Chica actually said that. She gave me a slight smile then glared at Marionette. Chica charged at him and the two started fighting. Punches and kicks were thrown as Marionette teleported sometimes to Chicas back if it was turned.

'Sometimes fear takes over and you just can't stop.. Being afraid.'

That statement stood out to me as Chica fought. Was she afraid? Marionette looked like he was losing until he yelped. Chica was pushed back as Marionettes chest where the three buttons stood was clawed open. Marionette glared up at Chica as Chica was damaged badly. He put his arm out as his slender hand pointed at Chica. A dark purple ball started forming with purple particles popping out of it on his hand. Chica gasped and stepped back. Suddenly it felt like slow motion. It always does for some apparent reason. Chica bracing for the attack as purple light shined at her.

She started to dissolve. I stood there afraid not helping her. It felt like I was paralyzed and I couldn't help or move. I felt useless. She disappeared as the light faded. It was just me. Marionette turned to me and smirked.

"1 V 1 much better."

He laughed and stepped toward me. I trembled in fear as he kept coming closer to me. But, I knew what was coming.. The closer he comes to me. The closer my death becomes.





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