(Ch 23) Flashback

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"Bonnie, have you seen Chica?" I ask looking behind me.

I swear she was behind me. She was just right behind me a while ago.. Now she is gone?! I check the clock in the Parts and Service to see it is 8:10 PM. The Place is closing in 3 hours. Looks like we have 3 hours to spare to find Chica.

"No, why?" Bonnie asked.

"She was behind me a while ago now she disappeared."

"Naw Foxy you sure?"

"Yes mate I am sure."

Bonnie stood up and looked around and then glanced at me.

"I'd like to help Foxy.. But look at me. I have no face." He stated.

I sighed and looked at Bonnie.

"Aye, it's alright Mate. I'll go look for her alright?" I say closing the door.

I back tracked to where Chica and I walked. She wasn't anywhere. Until I heard some talking through a door. I leaned my head on the door and looked around to see if anyone was watching.

"How many times do I have to tell you?!"

There was silence and then I heard a whacking noise.


That voice sounded familiar but I'm glad I heard it.

"Good, now stay away from him ok?!"

I didn't hear anything after that. Who was that? I stepped back and then heard another noise but slightly quiet.

"He would never like anyone like you.."

I then heard more yelling and something being whacked. I couldn't take it anymore. I swung the door open to see something horrifying. Toy Chica was beating up Chica!

"Aye!! Leave the lass alone!" I yelled.

"Foxy I didn't see you there." Toy Chica smirked.

"Just, get away from the lass." I say growling.

Toy Chica released Chica and she slumped on the ground. I wanted to run over to see of she was ok but Toy Chica prevented me from it.

"Now, you eavesdropping fox." Toy Chica started. "Get out."

I shook my head and stepped closer.

"No can do Toy Chica," I spat. "You hurt my friend now it's your turn."

I jumped at Toy Chica and started to punch her with all the strength I got. She struggled from my grip but I made sure she wouldn't get free. She made some attempts of hitting me, some missed some didn't. After one last punch she was knocked out. I did deep breaths and let go of her.

This reminded me of something. Something horrible.


"Hey Chump why are you keeping a fox hostage eh?" The Raccoon asked. "Shut it Raz he is my friend." Bonnie exclaimed. "Oh really? When you left you had no friends. How did you become friends with that fox eh? Did he come crawling to you for food?!" Raz exclaimed laughing. Bonnie looked frustrated and his paw was twitching.

I stood up quickly and jumped at Raz. Raz fell over and I punched his face. "Beat em up Foxy." Bonnie ordered watching. I threw punches at him like there is no tomorrow until he was knocked out. That's when I stopped. I looked at my paw to see it had blood smeared on it. I gasped and fell back staring at my paw. It felt broken.

Bonnie walked over to me and saw my paw. "Here Foxy." Bonnie walked over to Raz and took off the hook then gave it to me. I slid the hook on and it fit me perfectly. "Better?" Bonnie asked. I nodded. But was still shocked. I looked at Raz. He looked dead.

"D-did I kill him?" I stuttered. Bonnie looked at Raz. "Looks like it." Bonnie laughed and I stood there in shock.

Flashback Over

I stopped and stepped backward.

"F-Foxy?" Chica asked.

I didn't answer I just was shocked. That incident. I forgot all about it. My back hit the wall and I was still in shock.

"D-Did I?.." I muttered.

"Did what?"

"Kill her?"

"No.. Animatronics don't die.. They um, wake up after a while."

I then slumped down and hugged my knees. This can't be happening. About 6 years ago.. when I was 9 I committed murder. It was just me and Bonnie at that time. Now I kind of did murder in front of Chica. She must think I'm a monster.

I tried crying but Animatronics don't have feelings.. So why should I? I shivered and Chica came over.

"You ok? It looks like you committed a crime."

I twitched as she said Crime that.. Horrible word. I started acting insane.

"I committed a crime." I say. "I know I did.. Stop making me feel better Chica!!"

She stepped back and I started twitching. What's wrong with me?
Then I heard bells ringing. I looked at the clock in the room to see it was 11:25 PM. Almost time to go to the Toys. I stood up and walked out while I checked behind me at certain times to see if Chica is there.

"Oh you are here Foxy and Chica." Toy Freddy chuckled.

I roll my eyes and twitched a little bit.

"Bonnie is over there, Toy Bonnie is teaching him some rules and stuff." Toy Freddy says crossing his arms.

I look behind him to see Bonnie and Toy Bonnie talking. It seems like he is having such a good time. Unlike me. I just repeated a murder I did 6 years ago.

"Have you seen Toy Chica?" He asked.

I shook my head lying. I already got beaten up I don't want it to happen again.

"She should be here by now." Toy Freddy says looking around. "Security Guard is gonna be here in a while. Now follow me to your positions."

We followed Toy Freddy and he led us into the Parts and Services.

"This is Fritz's second night here at FredBear's Family Diner." He continues. "Today is where you come in."



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