(Ch 17) Repairs and Escape

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Foxy's POV

There was silence. Just complete silence. All I could really hear were gears grinding because all three of us were freaking robots.


"Spit it out already! Why?!" I yelled.

I'm not that kind of fox that would yell. I'm usually the harmless kind. The ones who are quiet and don't do anything. Once again complete silence.

"Answer me." I say gritting my teeth.

What's going on with me?! Maybe I'm the one who has gone demonic and insane! Bonnie just stood there until I heard his voice. His voice that was static now to his face that was gone.

"I...don't...know...why...you...should...I...thought...we...were.." But that's all Bonnie said.

I was waiting for him to continue but he didn't. I tilted my head asking for more but he didn't reply.

"Is this a good idea?" I hear Chica ask.

"Asking that thing for, um.. Answers?"

I sat there growling under my breath annoyed. I sighed and looked at her.

"I'm sure, don't worry everything is fine." I say assuring her.

I turn to Bonnie to see him hurt? How do I know? His face is gone!! Gone I say!

"Please...help...I...need...face.." He says begging.

I stand up slowly as I hear Chica telling me not too u. Overprotective Chicken much?

"W-where?" I ask.

Bonnie turns and I follow him. I didn't care what Chica was saying but she trailed behind. Bonnie led me to a door. He moved aside as I investigated the door. The door was a wooden door by it looked sturdy so nothing could get through.

I saw a key hole and I smiled. I put my hook in the key hole and twisted it. After multiple times the door opened and I gasped as I saw the face. It was creepy looking. There was blood surrounding it but wires behind the head. Strange. I stepped close but I felt a grip on my arm.

"Careful." Chica says as I nod my head.

As she takes off her claw I step closer to the robotic head. I picked it up ever so slowly. It didn't weigh a lot it was just a head right?.. Rather a face. I turn around and see Bonnie nod in approval. I get out of the tiny room and try to put the face on Bonnie.

"Screws..." Bonnie says and points to the table.

I rush over there and hand Chica some tools she can carry. I didn't know how to fix things but it's worth a try. I angled the face to fit the empty hole and placed it there. There was a clank and I heard gears winding. I took a screwdriver from Chica and started working.

After minutes I wiped my forehead even though there wasn't any sweat. I was just tired. Bonnie looked like his face was never removed. I smiled then realized I forgot his arm.

"Um.. I uh.. The.. Erm." I tried saying that his arm was missing and he just grunted.

"It's over there Foxy." Bonnie says with no pauses since I fixed his face and his voice box while I was in there.

I get the arm and it looked rusty and had dust on it. Mike 'Shitit' shouldn't place all these stuff around. Stupid. I twisted and turned the arm in its place and screwed it a bit then I was done.

"Do you.. Know how to get out of here?" I hear Chica ask.

"Yeah, follow me." Bonnie says smiling.

I didn't know what to say or do. I was filled with mix of emotions. Happiness. Relief. Sadness. Confusion. And much more I couldn't understand. I shook my head to snap my thoughts away and saw Chica and Bonnie walk. I ran over to catch up with them and they just laughed. I pouted and Bonnie showed an exit.

We got out and I smelt the fresh air. We were at a cliff. Wow a lab dug in a cliff cool! I looked ahead and saw another town. Great. Hope this one doesn't burn to ashes.

"I'm hungry.." I mutter and see Chica gasp in happiness?

"Look! It's a pizzeria!" She yelled.

I look to see where she was pointing at and my eyes widen. It was a pizzeria called 'Family Fazbears Pizzeria' or something, I couldn't see from here. All I know was, I was hungry.


My back hurts. HELP ME!! It feels like my back has been chopped off.. Hehe get it? No? Ok XD



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