Chapter 31: The Yule Ball

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Epona's POV:

Hermione was outside with the boys having a snowball fight when I called her. We were still on the phone when Ron was giving her a hard time. I laughed when I heard him yell "what was that for?" when she flipped him off.

I was still in the Ravenclaw Common room, because well, I fell asleep in there. Duh. But I was nervous too. As much as I was proud of the dress, I was scared Hermione wouldn't like it?

I'm ninety percent sure pink is her color though.

There was a knock, and I opened the door. I smiled at Hermione and covered her eyes.

"Why are you covering my eyes?" She laughed.

"Because, I want it to be a surprise." I smiled.

She scoffed in a joking way, "It's already a surprise. You wouldn't tell me anything about it."

"Okay. Ready?" I asked, and before she could answer, I removed my hands from over her eyes.

Her hands went up to her mouth, eyes wide. I bit my lip, waiting for her to say something. I couldn't wait anymore so I decided to speak.

"Do...Do you like it?" I didn't know what words were at that moment. It was like all the air was sucked out of my lungs.

Then she flung her arms around me, smiling like crazy, "Are you kidding? I love it! It's absolutely beautiful!" 

I felt myself smile big, and I ushered her behind the changing curtain, "Now you gotta try it on. Now, I'm not a hair person, but August is good at that stuff, so he can style your hair. Oh, and I also found some earrings online. So I asked for some extra materials, and I tried to make them myself, because I thought they were pretty, and I thought that it would work well with your dress and just you overall because your really pretty so I just thought that you would need earrings as well, because well yeah but if you don't like them, that's totally cool-" My rambling was cut off by Hermiones laughter.

"Sometimes you need to stop talking and believe in yourself, Effie." She stepped out from behind the curtain, and smiled nervously, "How do I look?"

My eyes widened, "You look absolutely stunning! Exactly how I pictured it!" I handed her the earrings.

"They're beautiful. You made them?" She asked me and I nodded, "Well, fuck magic. This is your calling." We both laughed.

She put the earrings in as August walked into the room. He smiled, "Looking good, girl. Now, Effie here tells me you need help with your hair."

"Yes, please. Thank you for doing this." Hermione smiled at him.

"Of course. I like style hair. I went through so many phases trying to find my look; you wouldn't believe it. I think the worst was the....emo phase." He shuttered at the last two words, causing both Hermione and I to break out laughing.

"Now you, Effie." I raised an eyebrow at him, "I left the dress for you hanging over the changing room." He walked over and whispered to me, "If you don't like it, I'm sure I can work something out with Phineas-" 

I just smiled and put a hand on his shoulder, "I'm sure it's fine. Now go work on my friend."

He grinned, "You're next! We have to get your hair under control more than hers!" I laughed a bit and went behind the curtain.

I gulped at the dress. It wasn't something I would really wear at all. It was golden, and was sleeveless. Then it hit me again.

Sleeveless... I gulped even more, looking at the scars on my arms. I'm sure I can find a coat to put on over top. Yeah...that's what I'll do. 

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