Chapter 74: Monster

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Epona walked through the halls of the school, eyes darting between the groups of people in the halls around her. The whispers...she heard them so loudly in her head. Why wouldn't they stop? Why were they being like this to her? 

"Hey, Potter!" A boy yelled, and she turned her head to face him, "What's it like being a Monster?"

Her head turned swiftly back to looking at her feet, and her fists balled.

"Be careful, Jack! She might light you to a crisp! Just like she did her ex-" A girl taunted, and Epona bit her lip, hard.

Where was the cool metal when she needed it? She tasted the irony taste of blood on her tongue, and her fingernails dug cuts in her palms. A hand went on her shoulder delicately, and she moved swiftly, about to smack it away.

"H-Hey, Effie!" She looked at the boy in front of her, to see Neville, "D-Don't be bothered by them. They're j-just being jerks."

Her expression calmed, and her fists clenched, and she smiled softly, "Thank you, Neville."

He beamed, "Anything f-for you, Effie."

There were only a few people in the school who still didn't look at her with any fear behind their eyes. Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, August Sommers, Cassie Thomas, Pansy Parkinson(but shes kind of a bitch), Draco Malfoy, and the Weasley Twins. Even Ginny is somewhat afraid.

Which made her feel terrible. She's thankful for the friends she has, but at the same time, she hates being viewed like this. It's not her fault she was in that coma. Why does Harry get all the fame and glory while she gets thrown in his shadow and told she's just a discount evil Harry Potter. 

That she's a monster.

What did she do to deserve this? Is it really just her magic? Is it really just her boyfriend? Is it really that she just isn't him?

Epona sat in her dorm alone on the Saturday night, rejecting the offers to go out to Hogsmeade. As she sat in her dark empty room alone, she hunted for anything to make the pain go away. To turn the pain into something that she can feel physically.

A light blue glow filled the room, and the figure moved to the bed across from her, and sat down. Epona's green eyes met matching ones to hers, except a bit more faded. So was the red curly hair of the girl, along with the rest of her outfit. Unlike the house colors, the girls skirt was purple, and she was missing halfway down her shin on her leg, and even some parts of her body looked like they were dissolving a bit.

"Hi." She greeted Epona, an Irish accent obvious, and Epona looked at her.

"Are you Lucinda Slytherin?" She asked, and the girl nodded.

"The one and only." She smiled.

Epona looked her up and down, "Why does it look like parts of your body are melting?"

Lucinda smiled, "Since most people can't see me, I have to take a somewhat physical form. I can't hold it for too long, so that's what you see here. Though, if they're in the room I'm tied to, or have the ability to see me without me having to take physical shape this doesn't happen."

Epona didn't say anything for a moment, so Lucinda did, "I know what it's like. For people to think less of you than they do your sibling. For people to call you a monster as you walk the halls, just because of the magic you possess."

"Does it ever get better?" 

Lucinda gave her a sad look, "No, but it becomes bearable if you have the right people around you. I never did, but you, Epona Potter, do. The magic you contain is not something that you can control having, yet you tamed it. I see the scars that cover your arms, the ones you have to heal  your pain. Have you tried writing? I've found that expressing emotions on paper that can be private is nice. That way you don't have to share your feelings with others, but you can get it off your chest."

Epona smiled a bit, "I'll try that." She paused, "I have a question."

"Ask away."

"Do you ever want to leave and see him?" Epona asked trying to choose her words carefully.

Lucinda bit her lip, "I-I...Of course I do. But Dumbledore tied me to these dungeons for a reason. I'm quite dangerous when I get upset. There's a reason people had called me The Oracle. My sight isn't the gift people who haven't made me see their futures say it is. Everyone wants me to tell them what their future is until they actually hear it. Then they blame me, telling me that I'm just some stupid girl." She sighed, "But he never did. Sirius never even asked me to tell him his future. That's what people don't get. I don't decide what their futures are, the fates do, the choices they make do. The people who ask me never got happy endings. Only some had unclear futures, but I don't think they went too far either."

"I heard that you drove some girls in Gryffindor and Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw insane because they went near him." Epona looked the ghost in the eyes, "Is that why Dumbledore trapped you here?"

She shrugged, "Yes and no. I was supposed to not see him before that. You probably know that he was trying to find a way to bring me back. Dumbledore, being one of the few people who could see me naturally, knew that the whole situation would only end in heartbreak. It was only after that happened did he tie my soul to this place."

Epona fidgeted, "Do you really think I should start writing?"

Lucinda grinned, "I think you're already the creative type. And besides, you never know what's going to happen unless you try it, Epona Potter." Before Lucinda left the room, she turned around to face the fifteen year old girl, "You're not a monster; don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

And with that, the 1017 year old girl disappeared through a wall. An empty vegan leather cover diary appeared on Epona's nightstand. She picked it up, along with a pen. She flipped through the pages, watching the lines on the paper blur together. Why shouldn't she write? It's not like she can sew and design clothes right now with Umbridge in charge anyways. 

The pen hit the paper, and words flooded out of her, onto the empty diary page.

"Huh." She huffed curiously as she hid the diary in her locked nightstand drawer as her roommates entered the room.

Epona went under the covers, patting her pillow and the lights went out, and the room fell silent, the only sound was of Epona Potter's soft snoring. 


Hiii, it's been awhile, huh? Anywho, here's a drawing of Lucinda I made.

Hope you all like it! Also, yes, she is Irish and despite being in a school of British kids retained her Irish accent

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Hope you all like it! Also, yes, she is Irish and despite being in a school of British kids retained her Irish accent. Feet are so hard to draw---

Anywho, I hope you all are having a great day or night wherever you are! :)

Until Next Time, Byeee!

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