Chapter 37: What The Hell Are You Up To

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Epona's POV:

I banged on Moody's door with my fist. After I lost Harry, I did a quick search on the internet that you unlock with a special thing for magical people, and searched Moody's name in there. And I read up on him. I needed to know more before I went to do what I'm about to do. And what I found was strange.

From what I read on news articles and eBooks of history and sorts, I noticed inconsistencies in his behaviour. One, he told us in class that he had been in the field and that's why he was teaching us curses. But the Moody from the sources wouldn't even touch them. 

The next oddity was his paranoia. Now, there's a difference between paranoia and being alert. Moody is described as paranoid, but paranoid to a point where it was barely crossing the line of being overly alert. The Moody I know as my professor doesn't seem paranoid at all. Or on alert. Like at all. It's strange for someone always being called a loon with anxiety to be completely calm.

Third is thing that I found the most strange. It's a small detail that no one has ever mentioned. I read up on death eaters after the attack this summer. And what did one of them do because of nervous habit and becoming a death eater like snakes?

They lick their upper lip very fast, like how a reptile does.

Now why the fuck would my Auror teacher who caught so many Dark Wizards in his day, act exactly like one?

"Come in, Potter." He called, and I opened the door, closing it behind me.

"Professor, I have a question." I looked at him, my nose twitching slightly.

"Yes?" He asked, looking annoyed.

"Why did you put my brothers name in the Goblet?" 

He seemed to have froze a bit, "What are you talking about, Potter? Why would I have done that?"

"Let me rephrase that, " My face twisted into a scowl, "Who are you? Because you're not my fucking teacher. Or the man that's supposed to be my teacher."

Moody stood up, a crooked smile on his face. It was unlike anything I had ever seen him do before, "I knew you were smart. Too bad you're not allowed to die yet." 

Then it hit me. Why didn't I bring anyone with me? Moody turned from Moody to some skinny pale dude, with messy blonde hair. He looked like a young Mr. Crouch. FUCK! I'm so stupid! I can't run. 

"What a shame you'll have to miss your brothers third task. I heard it was going to be so...breathtaking."

I opened my mouth to scream, and everything went black.

Third Person POV:

Hermione looked at Ron nervously as she sat down in the stands. It had been a long time since she had seen Epona.  Apparently since anyone has seen her. Harry said that Moody told him that she threw up and was quarantined in her dorm. No one was allowed inside.

She was nervous that Epona would miss Harry's task. Or that something was wrong.

"Hey, Ron, do you know if Effie is feeling better?" She asked him.

He turned to her with a half worried look, "No, actually. I got someone to even ask Malfoy and Phineas and August, but they said they hadn't seen her at all. It's like she disappeared off the face of the earth." He quickly added, "But I'm sure she's fine. Let's just watch the task."

Hermione nodded hesitantly, "Yeah...I'm sure you're right."

It had been a few minutes of them viewing the task, when all of a sudden a girl appeared on the field. And from her palms unleashed fire and started burning the maze to the ground. The announcers went crazy, and some teachers including Percy apparated down there. 

Hermione gasped, "Is that..."

"Effie!" Ron yelled, and she ran deeper into the maze, out of sight except for where the smoke trails showed up.

A Few Minutes Earlier:

Now, it had taken Epona who knows how long to figure out that what she's trapped in isn't magical. From the lack of noise in the halls, it seemed that everyone had already made it down to the third task. 

So, she did something she's never tried before. She lit her entire body on fire. 

Although it was tiring, it did the job. It created enough of an opening for her to get out and untie herself. 

Now, she found herself running frantically through the halls, trying to find someone that could help.  But no one was there. Of course no one was there. Except for one person. She ran into Dobby in the hallways.

"Dobby!" She yelled, getting the house-elf's attention.

"Effie Potter! What seems to be the matter?" He asked, jumping.

She was exasperated, "Can you apparate me onto the maze field for the first task?" 

He looked confused,"Dobby can, but, it's not allowed. Dobby-"

"Dobby this is serious! Harry's in danger!" She yelled, and without hesitation Dobby grabbed her hand.


Epona was running through the burning maze, not even bothering to follow paths. She just shot holes through every bush with the fire. When she reached Cedric and Harry, it was too late.

Their hands were about to touch the cup. So she leaped, and right before the wind started, her hand was on the cup, and she went with them.

Epona's POV:

I fell, hitting my head against the ground hard. Huh. Guess I didn't take into account that the cup would be a port key. Harry and Cedric were there, looking very confused, and both turned to me.

"Effie?" They asked at the same time.

"What are you doing here?" Harry asked.

"Not important're in danger... Both of you."  I said, breathing heavily from how much I was running.

"What are you talking about?" Cedric was cut off by a figure.

We all froze. I tried to inch my way in front of Harry. But if Cedric's here too, that can't be good. Harry's hand went up to his scar, and he almost doubled over in pain. I held him standing. The person wore dark robes, and was holding what looked liked just a pile of them.

Don't tell me....

A high pitched voice coming from the bundle said, "Kill the spare."

The robed figure pointed their wand and yelled, "Avada Kedavra!"

With a flash of green light, there was a heavy thump.

I screamed.


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