Chapter 44: Oops My Bad

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Epona's POV:

Harry and I went to our room with Tonks and started to pack our stuff. I looked at the blankets, and grabbed the fluffy pink one. I normally am not too big of a fan of pink...but I really love this blanket. I'll make an exception.

Tonks changed her hair from a violet to pink, and Harry looked at her mystified. I looked at Harry sadly when Tonks told him that it was something she was born with; not something to be gained. I never thought about how Harry must feel. The scar must make him feel bad.

Not just from how it hurts when bad magic is around, but I mean his mental state. It's not easy being recognized by only a scar on your head, like it's the only thing that makes you you. The way you look. The way people judge you as if you're some kind of object that doesn't actually have emotions or thoughts of your own. Just what they think of you...


I sat down at a table in the library, waiting for Harry, Hermione and Ron to help Harry study for his tasks. I tied my hair up, and put in my hair clips to keep my hair out of my eye. I sighed as I pulled out the book, licking my bottom lip and pushing my ponytail back behind me. 

A shadow loomed over me, and I turned to see Phineas. He bent down and kissed me, and I backed away when he did.

"Hm? What's up?" I asked, raising an eyebrow and pushing the book away.

He bit his lip, then looked at me smirking, "Have you ever considered asking Madam Pomfrey for surgery?"

I physically moved backwards, my eyes wide with surprise, "Um, what? Why would I?" 

"For your, you know, skin. You look great, don't get me wrong it's just, you'd look better and more normal if you just removed those spots." His smirk never left his face, and I felt my upper lift go up with disgust.

"I-I..." I took a deep breath and avoided eye contact, "No...I guess I never did."

He put  his hand on my shoulder, "Well you should. I'm sure I could work something out. We'll be the hottest couple here after."

Phineas walked away from me, my hands shaking as I clutched the book, trying to distract myself. I heard the trio enter the library, and I didn't want them to see me cry. I forgot for a minute how ugly I am...

End Of Flashback:

I shuddered, brushing away the memory, and by the time I snapped out of it, Tonks waved her hand, and both Harry and I's suitcases filled with our stuff. I hadn't thought about him at all really this summer. He messaged me a few times, but I ignored them. I'm not just doing it because Draco told me to. I'm...scared of him. Having space from him made me realize how one sided our whole 'relationship' was. Draco was right.

But I have to tell him what happened. I bit my lip. Maybe Phineas did what he did to me because I was leading him on, and it's my fault. I believe that I did it to myself for a fact. 

I shook the thought away, focusing on the matter at hand. Though Draco's smile kept popping up in my head. It was rare to see him smile. Around everyone else he always seemed so gloomy and serious. But when it was just us, he would have a genuine smile on his face. It was cute, the way when he smile the right side of his mouth was slightly more up turned, and his eyebrows furrowed a little like he was going to laugh. 

It made my heart flutter to think about it.

"Effie? Are you okay?" Tonks had been standing in front of me, raising an eyebrow.

My cheeks flushed red, "Y-Yeah. Just thinking. Sorry."

She smiled, shook her head a little bit and walked me and Harry out of our room and back down to the kitchen. Blah Blah Blah.

Harry and I have now become chameleons. 

What the fuck is my life?

Now we're outside, and I'm sitting behind Harry on his broom, my arms wrapped around him tightly.

"You're going to be fine." Harry said reassuringly.

"Moody definitely makes me feel so sure about that." I said sarcastically.

"That's the spirit. Just keep talking like that the whole time." Harry grinned, and Lupin told us there was the second signal.

We took off fast, and I felt myself having to bite the inside of my cheek to stop from screaming. I removed one arm from around Harry, and lit a small fire on my fingers. I just stared at it while we flew, thankful Tonks said that we weren't going to fly through a crowd. Then, we were dropping at a tremendous speed. I covered my mouth and squeezed my eyes shut.

I felt nausea take over me, and as soon as our feet hit the ground, I doubled over and threw up. Tonks patted my back, and handed me a paper towel to wipe my face. I thanked her and stood up straight, hoping that wherever we are there's a glass of ginger ale.

Moody handed a paper to Harry, and I stood next to him, reading it with him. 

The Headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix may be found at number twelve, Grimmauld Place, London. 

Huh. Nice name. Just then, my phone dinged, and I checked it. Draco texted, just checking up on me. Tonks looked at me again, a smile on her face as she saw me smile at my phone screen. I quickly stuffed my phone back into my pocket and followed them into the magical doorway house thing.

I'll text him back as soon as I figure out what's going on. Or as soon as it's kept secret from me. Either way, I'm texting him soon. 

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