Important Announcement!

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Hello, readers. I'm so, so, sorry that I have not updated even though I said I would in the last chapter. Back in early to mid September I had a mental breakdown and went through a traumatic episode. It was build up of a lot of things that had happened near that time and from past incidents. I am doing better now, but I had to get away from everything. I'm sorry that I haven't said anything sooner or tried to update, but it was just very hard for me to function as a person until recently. The recovery took longer than I had expected it too.

I will be trying to get the next chapter out within the next week, and I apologize in advance if the writing isn't as good as it was before for a little while or if I'm not exactly sticking to a schedule. Again, I'm so sorry I haven't posted the next chapter.

I hope you're having a wonderful day or night.

Until Next Time, Byeee!

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