Chapter 34: I Understand

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Hi, little authors note here, I decided that because Epona isn't involved in Harry's second task, and I don't have important plot points then, I'm skipping to a little before the third one, because that's where important plot points are! Thank you!

Epona's POV:

It's overwhelming, being in the same attention level as Harry. I mean, people just wanted to know what it was like at the bottom of a lake. I told them no matter how many times they asked, that it wasn't anything special. Just a suffocating feeling.

Though I never told them why. Sure, I had woken up during it. I struggled for a while, then realized where I was. Underwater, flames don't work. And that scared me. I love fire. It's soothing to me. I also enjoy watching things burn. Underwater, at the bottom of that lake, everything taunted me about how defenseless I was. For a brief moment when Harry grabbed me from out of the water, I wanted to pour gasoline in the lake. So it would burn and know the feeling of defeat.

Then I realized that that was fucked up and I pushed the thought aside. On the bright side, I was happy I was thing Harry would miss most. I mean, I don't know what else I would've expected. I am his only living family member that aren't the Dursleys. It got me thinking. If it were me in that situation instead of Harry, who would be the person I missed the most? Would it be Harry? I told myself it would be, but something in the back of my mind said it wasn't so sure.

Like the rest of the thoughts that I don't like the sound of, I ignored it.

With all the attention from people I was getting, also came attention from my boyfriend. He walked me to every one of my classes, his arm around my shoulder. He sat with me at lunch. Phineas gave me more attention than his usual few minutes of it before he had to go.

It made me feel nice. Like I'm wanted. But my mind went back to that place in the hallway. I told myself that's that's just what dating is, and I'm overreacting. Or like he said, I've been asking for it.

My mind was so conflicted. One part wants to be near the new attention he gives to me; the other, however, wants to shrivel up and hide from him.

But class went on as usual and I still sucked at Potions. This time Snape made me sit next to Draco, and after class officially signed him as my tutor, because I quote, "Are the worst student he's ever had that actually pays attention". I don't know if that was a compliment or an insult. Cause on one hand, I do listen and watch and try my best. But on the other hand, it goes wrong every time.

Harry invited me to go with him and his friends to go meet Sirius. I'm excited. And also nervous. Phineas told me to always tell him where I'm going and who I'm with, but I can't. But I also can't lie to him...

So, I told parts of the truth. Like that I was going with Hermione, Ron and Harry, and were were going outside for a meal. Technically I'm not lying. I'm just not telling the whole truth. I had grabbed my bag, and met Ron, Harry and Hermione outside the Gryffindor tower. We walked towards Hogsmeade, and then past there on a railing were two paws of a large shaggy black dog. 

I raised an eyebrow when my friends started following the dog. Ron just grabbed my hand when he saw I wasn't moving and dragged me along. 

Oh my Merlin, I don't think I can go any farther. Sure, the others were doing fine, but let's not forget I just woke up less than a year ago. Not exactly at the height of my physical state right now. I just got used to walking around to my classes without getting tired.

We made our way up the mountain, and I collapsed in a cave face first on the cold stone ground. I heard Hermione groan laugh and she pulled me to my feet. When I stood, there was a very skinny man with dark hair and raggy grey robes. It made me cringe. How could someone be fine with wearing something so... that?

Now, I promise I'm not trying to be rude, but this guy needs help. Serious help. 

I snickered at my own pun. 

The man, who I'm assuming to be Sirius, grabbed the chicken from Harry. He smiled at us, and I smiled back. The others were nervous, and very reluctant to smile. I think they're being rude. I mean, the guy travels all this way to see you and you can't even smile at him? 

"What are you doing here, Sirius?" He asked, and I just looked at Harry wide-eyed. My goodness! I've only been alive for little more than six months and I have better manners than that.

Sirius's smile never faded, "Fulfilling my duty as godfather, " He looked at the chicken in a dog-like way, "Don't worry, I'm pretending to be a lovable stray." 

Before Harry could say another word, Sirius turned to me, "You must be Epona! I was overjoyed to hear from Harry that you'd woken up. I had been waiting to meet the daughter of the Potters. I hope you've been keeping Harry in check." He winked, and I laughed.

"Of course. Tis my duty as older sister." I joked, and he laughed as well.

Harry looked at me then he asked, "Sirius, what if you get caught? What if you're seen?"

Sirius gave him a serious look, sensing his worry, "You four and Dumbledore are the only ones around here who know I'm an animagus."

The conversation turned to Crouch, and I only half paid attention. Something in the back of my mind was bugging me. I don't know why, and I don't know anyone with the name Lucinda, but there was this feeling in me the Sirius had something to do with her.

I waited till the other three left and I stayed, telling them I'd catch up.

"What is it?" Sirius asked, and I looked at him, my brow furrowed.

"Do...Do you know anyone named Lucinda?" I asked, and his eyes widened.

"Where did you hear that name?" He asked me seriously.

I furrowed my brow more, confused, "I-I don't know. There was just this weird feeling in my mind, and that name along with yours."

He sighed, running his hand through his hair, "Lucinda was a girl I knew when I went to Hogwarts. She wasn't a student, exactly...Lucinda had died many years before I met her. But we became very close...friends." He looked at me, and there was sadness in his eyes. Before I could ask anything else, he spoke, "Now Now, you should get going. Go meet your friends."

I nodded, and noticed he was shivering. With the flick of my wrist a small fire appeared on the ground at his feet. He looked at me bewildered and I waved goodbye.

Huh. He wasn't so eager to talk about this Lucinda girl. She was a ghost I guess, but from what I gathered I don't think they were just friends. Or at least he didn't want to be just friends.

Oh well. Maybe I'm over thinking it.

"Hey guys! Wait up!" 

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