Chapter Two - Wait, What's Quidditch Again?

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Epona's POV:

I felt my eyes flutter open as  I awoke from my nightmare. Not like it was anything new. I always get nightmares, but this one felt...different. This one felt more real. I shivered at the thought, then reassured myself that it was all just a dream and there was nothing to worry about. If there was, Harry would tell me... Wouldn't he?

I looked at the loose floorboard where Harry keeps two of his letters. Both were from our god father. His name is Sirus Black and apparently he's been falsely accused of murder. What a wonderful family I have. Harry responeded to the first letter and told him I had woken up, and in the second one Sirus talked about how he wanted to meet me. He honestly seems pretty cool. It's nice to know my existance is known to some people.

I looked around again, noticing Harry wasn't in the room with me and his phone was gone. Shoot. They must already have eaten breakfast. I walked downstairs groggily, rubbing my eyes. Just in time for one of Uncle Venom's tantrum things.

"You two." He barked, "In the living room. Now."

I complied, and followed Harry into the living room too tired to do anything.

"So." Venom marched over to the fireplace like he was placing them under arrest. Oh, I call him Venom because he's poison to my eyes.

"So?" Harry responded, and I moved closer to him, finally waking up fully.

"This just arrived," Uncle Venom said, and held out a purple piece of writing paper, "For you both."

For a minute I was confused. I understand a letter for Harry, but for me? Maybe it was from one of his friends who asked about me. Harry said he visited me and told them of my existance.

Uncle Venom read aloud:

"Dear Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, We have never been introduced, but I'm sure you've heard a great deal from Harry about my son, Ron." Blah Blah Blah, "We would of course be glad to have Harry and Epona stay with us for the rest of the summer holidays, and see them safely on the train to school."

After a long conversation and Harry threatening to write to Sirius, who they still think is a murderer, they allowed us to go. I smiled brightly at my brother and hugged him.

"I'm so excited! I get to meet your friends!" I smiled and he did too, then I stopped, "Wait. What's Quidditch again?"

Harry laughed and started explaining it to me. I was basically a Muggle with how little I kow I about magic. Though, Harry must've felt the same way, so I guess he understands. I heard my phone ding. I turned my head to the counter where my phone lay. Quickly, I picked it up and checked the notification. It was from this app called NecroGram. It's like a social media app, but for magical people and Muggles can't access it. Harry made me download it on my phone, along with some other games and stuff. I only had a few followers on it. It was only Harry and his two friends, and his friends twin brothers. Oh, and when I first got the app, someone else followed me. His username is PrinceOfMagic, and all I really know is that his name is Draco. We've been talking for the entire summer.

I haven't told Harry I've been talking to him though. I'm allowed to have my own life he doesn't know about. Plus, this guys posts aren't entirely appropriate. The vibe you first get off of him is that he's very full of himself. And honestly, if you look like he does, who wouldn't be? Platinum blonde hair, steele grey eyes, flawless pale skin... and he was rich. I mean, that's pretty cool. But he doesn't seem that way to me. At least, not as much. He's actually really nice.

I opened the message:

PrinceOfMagic: Hey, Ef. What's going on?

Oopsie!Daisy: My brother and I just got invited to go see the Quidditch World Cup! I'm so exicted.

PrinceOfMagic: Really! Maybe I'll see you there. Well, if I could see your face it'd be easier to find you.

I felt my cheeks get red. Then I touched my face where the discoloration is.

Oopsie!Daisy: I'm sorry...I'm just really self concious and I don't feel comfortable.

PrinceOfMagic: Don't worry about it, Ef. Besides, I'll get to see it plenty soon when you come to Hogwarts ;)

Oopsie!Daisy: Yeah Yeah. Don't get your hopes up, I'm super ugly. Especially compared to you, you're actually good looking.

PrinceOfMagic: Oh? So you think I'm attractive?

Oopsie!Daisy: Shut up! I just said you were good looking, don't let it get to your head.

PrinceOfMagic: Well, I can't deny, I already know I'm hot. No chick can resist me.

I giggled, and typed a response.

Oopsie!Daisy: Ah, but you see, I never said I was attracted to you. Save that for girls who are interested, Mr. Draco

PrinceOfMagic: You hurt my heart, Miss Effie.

I laughed again and put my phone away. I'm so excited for this game.

Next thing I knew, it was twelve o'clock the next day and both Harry and I's suitcases were packed and ready to go. The whole day was very tense. And the Weasley's were late. Very late. Not that I minded, it was just...uncomfortable for everyone here. Then, there was banging in the fireplace. My eyes widened, and so did the Dursley's. Harry looked like he was about ot burst out laughing.

"Harry?" I whispered, "What the hecklepeck is going on?"

"They tired to travel by Floo Powder." He whispered back, "Basically they can travel by fireplaces."

I made a small "oh" noise and watched as Harry walked over to the boarded up fireplace.

Next thing I knew, Harry was worriedly saying, "Wait a moment! What exactly are you going to-"


He was cut off by a loud bang, and the boards along with ash from the fireplace flew across the room, covering myself and the Durselys with ash. I wiped off my face and clothes. I stared as four redheaded males crawled out from the fireplace. Two of them were obviously twins, they had the same red hair and were identical down to the last freckle. I stared at the in awe. They're really tall. And kinda cute. I looked at the shorter red head. He had to be Ron. I smiled and did a little wave as he stared at me, his jaw dropping ever so slightly.

Was there something on my face? Oh right, my skin discolortation. Fun. I did sarcastic jazz hands in my head.

Then, after talking to our aunt and uncle, the man who was obviously the dad turned to Harry and I, a bright smile on his face, "Ah! You must be Epona! We've heard a lot about you! Wonderful you've woken up in time for the Quidditch World Cup! My name is Arthur, and this is Fred and George, and that's Ron." He waved his hand towards his sons, then greeted Harry, "Hello, Harry! You two have your bags ready?"

"Yeah, they're upstairs." Harry responded, grinning back.

"We'll get them." Fred said at once. Winking at me and Harry, he and George went upstairs to get the suitcases.

Again, there was an awkward stab at conversation by Mr. Weasley. It was no use. Though, I had to bite my lip to stop from laughing at Dudley, who was grabbing his butt like it was going to fall of if he didn't. In all honesty, it probably was from all that wieght. I noticed Ron and Harry glancing at each other, both trying to hold back laughter as well. Finally, Fred and George came downstairs with our luggage. Fred had mine and George had Harry's. First, Fred went into the fireplace and said," The Burrow!" Then George, Ron and I stood there with Harry nervously.

Could you blame me? It's not like I had ever done this before. Cut me some slack. Plus, the funniest shit I have ever seen was happening. Harry and I both dodged the ornaments our uncle was throwing, and Mr. Weasley yelled, "Harry, Epona, go! Just go! I'll sort this out!" I pouted, wanting to see what would happen next, but alas I watched as Harry walked into the fireplace, then smiled at me.

"Just remember to say it clearly and loudly. Like this..." Harry told me, then yelled, "The Burrow!"

I watched as he disappeared and I took a step into the fireplace, taking a deep breath, I looked forward, confidence filling my body, "The Burrow!" I yelled the loudest I ever had before.

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