Chapter 42: Get Your Hands Off Him

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Epona's POV:

This summer is a lot different than my last. And by that I mean I totally get what Harry means by the Dursley's are complete assholes. Though I've mainly stuck to my room, talking with Ginny over text or face time. 

We've actually gotten pretty close over the summer. And in the times I'm not talking to her, Harry is smuggling board games into our room to play. So besides the people I live with, it's been pretty great.

I've worked on sketches for more outfits, which the Dursley's say are 'less than decent' and I shouldn't show anyone.

But I'm the person who gave their son a style that fits him so they should really fuck off. 

Right now I'm on the phone with Ginny, and I was wearing a Maroon tank top with blue jean shorts and my typical neon green converse. And yes of course I have socks on.

"It's so annoying though." Ginny complained, "Nobody tells me anything."

I snorted, "I know right? It's like when you try to talk to your brother about the existence of a murderous psychopath and he's just like. 'Whatever are you talking about?'" Ginny laughed as I tried to make my voice like Harry's.

Right as I opened my mouth to say something, there was a deafening cracking sound. I jolted up in my seat. 

"What was that?" Ginny asked, and I got up.

"I don't know. I'll be right back." I said, walking out of my room, hanging up and putting my phone in my pocket.

When I made it downstairs, Venom had his hands around Harry's neck, and was choking him. 

"Get your nasty hands off of him." I held out my wand directly at him.

Harry smiled for a moment through his strangulation, and then Venom staggered backwards as though he was jolted back by electricity. They started yelling at Harry and I again, and I stuffed my wand back into my pocket. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the house with Harry.

We stayed walking for a while. I think by now Harry was no longer thinking about the sound. But the letters and texts from his friends are rather disappointing. At least Draco sent me a card and a present for my birthday. Their card to him was see you soon. 

We came to a park and sat down on the swing set. Dudley and his little gang of friends walked by, and Harry and I grinned at each other. If there's one thing we both enjoy, it's making our cousins life miserable. After his friends left him, Harry and I got up, following behind him.

"Hey, Big D!" Harry called out, and I sniggered.

Dudley turned.

"Oh. It's you two." He sighed.

"How long have you been 'Big D' then?" Harry asked.

"Shut up." Dudley growled.

"Cool name." Harry smirked, "But you'll always be Ickle Diddykins to me." 

"I said SHUT UP!" He balled his fist.

"Don't the boys know that's what your mum calls you?" Harry taunted.

"Shut your face."

I pretend gasped, "You don't tell her to shut her face. What about 'Popkins' and 'Dinky Diddydums', can I use them then?" I winked at him.

We continued on for a bit, and then a chill went down my spine. I looked around, and I could tell Harry felt it too. Everything got dark, and even the stars started to disappear, and everything went deadly cold. I could barely see anything, and I was already shivering. 

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