Chapter 59: Okay

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Third Person POV:

"I love you, see you in Potions." Epona called as she walked out of Draco's dorm, finishing buttoning her shirt up. She was off to see Harry because he had texted her that she meet him right outside their first class together.

"Love you." Draco replied, and as soon as she left he longed for her again. 

Draco didn't think about it since he was laying next to her. Epona smelled of smoke and firewood, like rosemary being cook right over the open fire. Every pleasing smell that has to do with heat, even a hint of burnt chocolate. He vividly remembers the end of his third year, where Professor Snape made them smell and Amortentia potion. It was one of the strongest love potions in existence, and the smell was different for each person who smelled it. When Draco had described what he smelled, everyone looked at him confused. Even he was confused. He had never smelled anything like it before; so he brushed it off as if it were nothing.

Then, he overheard Potter talking about how he had been visiting his sister in the hospital, and she oddly smelled like something was burning. And Draco had again, brushed that off and forgot. For all he knew Potter had been trying to fuck with him.

And then he found himself in the summer sitting with a girl at the bottom of the Quidditch stadium who smelled exactly like that potion. It's why he didn't leave her alone as soon as he found out she was Harry Potter's sister. The reason why he found himself drawn to her. The reason why he stopped being as big of an ass towards Harry and his friends. The reason he had a change of heart. 

Draco Malfoy wanted her. It called to him that she had to be his. And when that bastard threatened that, Draco started losing his mind. His mood swings became more violent, to the point where he even threw something at Pansy's head, and she just managed to move out of the way before it hit her. 

It's why he avoided Epona for a short while. He thought that his obsession, his love, would go away if he ignored her. But it didn't. It just made him want her more when he finally got close to her. And then Harry started challenging everything she did, so Harry is no longer on Draco's good list.

But he's Epona's brother. And she loves him. So he has to give him a second chance if his love will. But Draco swears that if anything happens to Epona, and Harry has something to do with it, Draco won't let him go.

Epona's POV:

I walked to my first class, and saw Harry waiting exactly where he said he would be. I felt my nose twitch, and I calmed down a bit. He looked nervous, and worried, maybe a bit scared. It wasn't just about me though, that much I could tell. I stood in front of him, and raised an eyebrow.

"What?" I asked, and he walked up to me.

"I-I'm sorry..." He said, looking me in the eye. 

I blew a hair out of my face, "Is that it? If so, I have to get to class."

"N-no!" Harry raised his voice a bit by accident, "I-I mean...I need your help."

I scoffed, "And why would I help you? After everything you said?"

Harry sighed, and started messing with his hair, "You shouldn't. But..." He lowered his voice so only I could hear, "Since Umbridge isn't teaching us anything, Hermione and Ron suggested I teach people but I...I can't do it alone, Effie."

My voice hushed to match his, "What makes you think I can teach people? I'm already behind."

Harry had a pleading look in his eye, "Because look at you! You summoned a Patronus your first try, you withstood the Imperious Curse entirely and you can summon fire out of nowhere. Plus, everyone is slightly intimidated by you..."

I smirked, "So it's like good cop bad cop?"

He smiled and nodded, "Exactly."

I smiled too, "Alright. I'll help with your little 'Study Group'. You owe me though." I winked and nudged him as we both walked into class.


Hi, everyone! Sorry this chapter was so short, I've been a bit busy, but I just wanted to stop by and say, thank you all so so much! 

I don't know how I've hit 2k reads already, because that's insane, but I'm so thankful you all like this enough to keep reading. It honestly feels like just a few days ago I hit 1k. Anyways, again thanks for all the reads, comments and votes, I really appreciate it.

I also have two questions, one being one that I've already asked, but new year new eyes, do you guys want me to keep writing this after the last book, or stop it there? 

And two, if you have any questions, feel free to ask, I'll answer them if I can!

Have a wonderful day/night!

Until Next Time, Byeee!

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