Chapter 43: Here

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Epona's POV:

Let me sum up my summer for you. Harry and I just trying to mind our own business being teenagers doing normal teen things like wanting to listen to the news or talk to friends on the phone, and one of the hogs comes out and blames us for doing something. And we get banished to our room. 

But now it's gotten spicy. Harry and I both got a letter from the Ministry of Magic talking about a trial because we used underage magic and in front of a Muggle. Big fucking oopsie there. Apparently I don't get a strike one, they kicked me out of Hogwarts with Harry, and now they're going to come to destroy our wands. If they want my wand, they're gonna have to fucking fight me for it. And only one of us will come out in good condition.

Because who the fuck punishes someone for defending themselves and others?

So, now Harry and I are standing in the kitchen getting yelled at, and Harry has his wand in Vernon's face. His worried look turned to me, as if pleading for me to tell Harry to stop. I shrugged and checked my nails.

All of a sudden there was a loud CRACK and Harry and I turned to face the disturbance. We both ignored Vernon's cries of owls, and walked right up to the disheveled looking owl. It had just banged it's head into the glass doors by accident, and it looked very dazed. I followed Harry's hand with my eyes as he picked up a letter.

It was from Mr. Weasley. Harry and I looked at each other as we read the letter. It said that Dumbledore just went to the Ministry and is trying to sort this whole thing out. It also told us to stay with our Aunt and Uncle, what a shame, and to not surrender our wands. Oh and not to do anymore magic. But I think Harry and I got the memo. 

We slunked down at the kitchen table. I tapped Harry.

"Wake me up when something important happens." He nodded and I closed my eyes to sleep.

Well, Harry didn't have time to wake me up before Vernon and Petunia told us to go to our room and not leave. So that's fun. Also, apparently our aunt knows what dementors are. I mean it makes sense since her sister, our mom, was a witch.

I rubbed my temples, climbing into bed under my many blankets. That was my birthday present from Draco. He got me four of the most fluffy and comfortable blankets in the world. I don't even know how he knows exactly what I want, but he does. Frankly, I'm not complaining. Harry's bed rarely ever had anything more than a scratchy sheet on it, so I tried to give a blanket to him, but he refused, saying it would be too hot with it on anyways.

I, on the other hand, love the heat.

I'm getting off track. I climbed right into bed, and patted my blankets for Harry to join me. He looked a mixture of confusion and worry and anger and maybe a bit of hope. He just sat down on my bed, but by the time I woke up in the morning he was back sitting at his desk by the window.

"They left to go somewhere. We're locked in here." He said blankly as I sat up, rubbing my eyes.

Then, there was a crash in the kitchen. Harry and I both sat upright, and we turned to each other. Burglars. Of course there were fucking burglars- Harry's hand went straight for his wand, and I lifted my hand out in front of me. I wouldn't feel a shred of guilt if I burned this place to the ground; I'd smile joyfully because things burning are beautiful. Even a place as disgusting as this. Fire would make it better. 

The lock clicked on the door and we both walked cautiously into the dark hall.

"Lower your wand, boy. And your hand, girl. Before you take someone's eye out." A gruff voice spoke from the other side of the darkness, and Harry and I's eyes widened as we looked at each other. Neither of us lowered our 'weapons'.

"Professor Moody?" Harry and I asked in unison, uncertainty filling our voices.

"I don't know about 'Professor,'" The voice growled, "Never got around to much teaching, did I? Get down here, we want to see you two properly."

Harry and I didn't move. Nor did he loosen his grip on his wand, and I certainly didn't lower my hand. I mean, after all, we had every right to be suspicious. The person we thought was our teacher for nine months turned out to be a psychopath in disguise, who tried to kill both me and my brother. 

A softer voice spoke through the darkness of the hall and Harry seemed to recognize the man.

"Professor Lupin?" Harry choked, "Is that you?"

A woman's voice spoke, on neither Harry or I recognized, and the tip of her wand lit up, lighting up the hall with a magical light. There were four people huddled at the bottom of the stairs. The woman holding the wand grinned. Her hair was a bright violet, and she looked like the youngest of the group. "They look just like I thought they would. Wotcher, Harry, Epona!"

I raised an eyebrow. Then, the guy in the back spoke, "Yeah, I see what you mean, Remus." He looked between us, "They look like James."

My eyes narrowed. Harry mentioned he showed my picture to his Dark Arts Professor last year because he asked about me. Last time I checked though, the only thing I have in common with my father is my hair, and my base skin tone. Nothing else.

"Except the eyes." A gruff voice said, and I recognized it as Mad-Eyed Moody's. I scrunched my nose at him, and he examined me closely, "Lily's eyes."

Moody examined us both closely. He looked exactly like I remember. You know, when a Death Eater pretended to be him and tried to kill me. "Are you quite sure it's them, Lupin?" He growled, "It'd be a nice lookout if we bring back some Death Eater impersonating him. We ought to ask them something only the real Potter would know. Unless anyone brought any Veritaserum." 

"What form does your Patronus take?" Lupin asked Harry.

"A stag." Harry answered.

"That's him, Mad-Eye." Lupin said, but then the attention turned to me.

"What about her?" Moody growled.

"Nobody knows shit about me. I fucking dare you to try and separate me from my brother because I will burn this place to the ground." To show them, I lit my hand on fire. There were small gasps from the crowd, and I unlit my hand, walking down the stairs with Harry. He tried to smile at me, but his face was still serious. I kept my annoyed expression on my face.

We walked into the kitchen, and Lupin continued to introduce the many people in our home. Apparently a lot of people volunteered to get us. We're now waiting for a signal to show that it's safe to move out or something. Then they told us how we're getting where we're going. 

I gulped, my eyes widening. Did I mention I have a fear of heights? Eyes turned to me as Harry grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"What's wrong, Epona?" Lupin asked.

"Effie." Harry corrected, and Lupin nodded.

"I, um....I have a fear of heights." I forced a grin, then took a deep breath as people started murmuring, "But it's all good. I can deal."

"Are you sure? I mean you um..." Lupin prompted and I know what he meant. Everyone knows about when I freak out I start lighting things on fire.

I nodded, "Trust me. I won't lose control."


So, just wanted to say, how the heck have I gotten 1.7k reads on this book? It's not that great- But, thank you all for reading and voting and commenting, it honestly means so much to me, so thank you so much.

With that out of the way, yes Draco will be back soon, I just want to stick to the beginning of the book as much as I can, and stick to the main story line. It will go off on it's own path on parts, but I guess if you don't want to read the moments and if you're not reading this as soon as it's posted you can skip-

I hope you're all having an absolutely fantastic day/night wherever you are!

Until Next Time, Byeee!

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