The Sparkle in Your Eye: Part One?

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In a world where the evils of the world didn't exist (Cough cough Phineas and Voldemort obviously on the same level). A world where two people, born to be enemies but fell in over their heads in the opposite direction. Both with very high standards, and very unusual taste.

The Ball:

"Harry, shut up. Just because you have a date doesn't mean you've won. Ginny had asked you anyways." The girl playfully replied to her twin brother, who had been giving her a hard time since they arrived to the Great Hall, and her being the only one in the friend group without a date.

He grinned, "Eli, let's be real here, at this rate, you're going to lose this bet."

Epona, nicknamed Eli because she said that if she could change her name to anything, it'd be that. It represented her and the first two letters of her mothers name. She rolled her eyes, grabbing the glass of butterbeer from Harry. In truth, the real reason why she didn't have a date was because the boy she liked was someone she had been pretending to hate for five years.

She would never admit that she was wearing what she was because she knew he liked it.  Of course, her own comfort comes before a man, and Eli kept by that, but that didn't mean that she didn't want to show off a bit. It was a solid dark purple, silk like dress that went three fourths down her thigh. It had a slit through it going up to right below her hit. It was spaghetti straps and a low, bar cut. On over top, though, was black leather jacket two sizes two big on her and a unique dark green and grey crest on the back, with a large 'M' in the center of the crest.

She hadn't told her brother where or who she got it from, but part of her was surprised he hadn't already figured it out. Or that Hermione hadn't already figured it out. If she had, then she just wasn't telling anyone. Which Eli was thankful for. 

If she, a Gryffindor got caught wearing the Malfoy family crest, she in deep shit.

Harry Potter cannot find out that his twin sister had fallen in lover with Draco Malfoy. 

Luckily, most kids at the school are stupid and believe that she found the wonderful, expensive, classy jacket at a thrift store in the muggle world. But one person knew better.

Her heart stopped as she looked up, her bright emerald green eyes meeting stormy grey ones. They were sharp, piercing through her whole body and saw right to her soul. His slightly long platinum blonde hair was slicked back, only a strand falling in his face, right beside his nose. He smirked as Eli shifted her weight at her place at the table. His black and white vertical striped button up dress shirt was unbuttoned at the top three, exposing his chest. The rest of his suit was just simple black dress pants and black dress shoes.

She felt her heart slam into her chest repeatedly as he started to walk over in her direction. Eli was just praying that Harry shut up about the bet we made. As she turned away from the direction of the Malfoy, she noticed Hermione out of the corner of her eye with a grin on her face.

'Fuck. She knows.' Eli's face turned bright red, and she just downed a cup of butterbeer before she heard the voice come from behind her.

"What's this about winning a challenge?" Draco asked, eyeing the friend group.

Harry rolled his eyes, "Wouldn't you like to know, Malfoy."

He smiled, "Oh Potter, I would."

Though, as he said it, his eyes would flick over and meet Eli's occasionally. 

"The two bet on who would do more in a relationship before the end of their seventh year. There's this checklist and everything." Hermione grinned at Eli as Draco's face perked up again.

"Oh? If this is true, then what a fun bet. No wonder my little Weasley friend was so excited to see what would happen when one of you loses." Draco motioned to Ginny, who had choked on her drink at that point.

Draco and Ginny had become friends sometime after Ginny first started at Hogwarts. She told Eli that before him, she felt alone. All of her siblings  were too busy doing things to pay attention to her, and she struggled making friends. Then Draco showed up. Ginny told her that he said that he understood how she felt, and she knew he wasn't lying. There was a mutual understanding between the two that eventually the friend group got used to. 

As soon as they found out, the next day was when Harry asked her out and she said yes. Part of Eli wondered if Draco did it on purpose.

"So, may I ask, what happens when either of you loses?" He asked, very intrigued. 

Harry grinned, "Well, when Eli loses, she's going to drink a new unknown potion of my choosing everyday for a whole year. And do all my chores. And basically anything I want. And sort of vice versa."

Draco turned to Eli, holding out his hand, "Well then, Epona Potter, I guess it's time to even the playing field, isn't it?" 

There was an audible gasp from Harry and Ron, while the two girls just looked at each other and high fived, giving Eli a thumbs up.

She gulped, trying to bite back the urge to run away from the thumping in her chest and took his hand. She smiled a bit, "I guess it is, Draco Malfoy."

Hi Everyone! I decided that before I put you all through the emotional roller coaster that will be the most of all of the next chapters, that you all deserve a cute little AU story. If you want it of course. If not, please say so in the comments and I'll get right to the original.

I hope you're having a fantastic day/night!


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