29. Banquet (Part 1)

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*knock knock*

"Luna, are you ready?"

"Brother! You're here!" I opened the door and welcomed him in.

Le Soleil Enchanté is finally here...I can finally relax once it's over. But I just feel like I'm forgetting something important....

Hmm~Despite saying it's troublesome, brother still dressed up more than usual. And here I thought, his usual attires are already formal enough.

"Brother, you're pretty." I blurted out my thought.

"...Luna, I know you're trying to compliment me but...haaa I guess it's time I get used to it." He said helplessly. "You look exceedingly beautiful tonight."

"Hehe, thank you."

"Let's go." His eyes softened as he held out a hand to me.

"Yea, we can't be late." I ignored his hand and instead linked our arms together, dragging him to the banquet hall.

"Now announcing the arrival of his majesty the emperor, Acacius Paine De Alphaesial. And her highness Princess Luna Vanessa De Alphaesial."

I entered the banquet hall with a polite smile while brother entered with his usual poker face...I guess it's time for my speech. I let go of brother's arm and took a step forward.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I sincerely thank all of you for coming. I apologise for the delay of this banquet, it was all because of my shortcomings I hope everyone understands. I hope tonight's Le Soleil Enchanté is to everyone's satisfaction.

I've had the chef prepared different types of cuisines for you to choose from, please do not hesitate to call for assistance from the servants. May glory bless all of you." I ended my speech with a polite nod.

The crowd applauded, I'm glad I didn't mess up. I went back to brother's side. To say I wasn't nervous at all is a lie, but it's not the first time I've spoken to a big audience due to my previous life's experiences.

"You did well." Brother praised while gently and carefully patting my head so he won't mess up my hair. "Let's head down."

I wonder how many royalties from 'kingdoms' come from...in this novel, the author used the term empire to address the domain of the representative of a race while kingdom is used to describe the other domains excluding the six empires.

The royalties from empires are obliged to attend this banquet but the same doesn't goes for the royalties from kingdoms. Of course there are invited, but they can choose whether to participate of not.

But rather than being curious about this, I really should focus on the matter at hand....why is brother leading me to the centre of the hall?

"I remembered clearly that I assigned our seats are over there." I tugged brother's hand.


...With that one word, I felt my soul leaving my body. I can't dance nor did I practice because I was busy as heck! I have actually forgotten that the host must start the first dance.

"Brother, why don't you ask Dominic to dance with you? I'm sure he can pull off a dress." I whispered trying to pull my hand away from his but instead of succeeding, his  grip grew firmer.

"You're the host." He cocked his brow slightly, clearly amused. This isn't the time to be teasing me, stupid brother.

"But I can't dance. Out of all things why must I dance?" I whimpered slightly, now I'm going to embarrass myself in front of everyone.

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