Chapter 37 'God Island'

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(Sorry for not posting i needed to take a small break)

Nami: Why were you charging that much!

Usopp: Wait, do you not have enough!

Nami: Of course not! Thats a ridiculous amount!

Sean: Awww shucks. Well on to plan B, beating the shit out of 'em.

Nami: NO! Luffy before he goes buck wild, we have to get out of here!

Nami held onto Sean from the back of his top keeping him from charging at the soldiers.

WB Commander: He is trying to assault us, plus with what that women did they are leval 3 criminals!

Connis: L-Level 3! Are you sure!

Sanji: What does that mean?

WB1: It means you are to be captured and placed on drifting cloud where you will spend the rest of you days!

Sean: Basically die of starvation, got it.

Chopper: W-wait, DIE!

Robin: Maybe that is what happened to that ship we found.

Nami: It would explain a lot...

Sean: ok don't mean to butt in but we have some soldiers to deal with that have intent to kill us. So may I fight them now?

Nami reluctantly let go of Sean's top letting the boy fight along with Luffy and Zoro.

WB Commander: Don't back down! Attack and bring them to god Enel!


The white berets readied their bows, aiming at the three of them. Once they fired a trail of clouds came as well.

Zoro: What the-

Sean: There milky dials, they can make clouds in the right pressure!

WB 1: They know of dials! Change formation!

They soon used the milky skates to rid the clouds they made. This allowed Zoro to cut them up and end the fight rather quickly.

Sean: That was surprisingly disappointing...

Zoro: You just want something to cut.

Sean: So do you, don't lie to me!

WB Commander: Oh god Enel please forgive these lost souls!


The commander began to army crawl away as Connis and her father brought Luffy, Sanji and Usopp to their house to prepare for the inevitable adventure while the others got on the ship.

Nami: We're all here, yes?

Sean: Aside from the ones with Connis, yes.

Nami: Shut it smart-mouth.

Sean: You're lucky I don't want to blast you back to the blue.

A tremor was soon felt, starting everyone on the ship. A shadow was seen under The Merry.


Robin: What is it artist-san?

Sean: Y-you know that lobster that brought us here, yeah that but bigger.

Chopper: WHAAAT!

Zoro: Than where will we go!

Sean: Why do you think we're being taken!

Nami: ...Judgment...



The lobster grabbed both sides of the ship knocking everyone off balance. Sean quickly went to grab something to be stable as the motion of it all made him feel sick. The Merry was quickly taken to god island and left on the alter.

Sean: I..feel so.. sick.

Sean: Please..Never wake me....up..

Sean laid down to catch his breath while Chopper got to taking care of him. Zoro and Nami began to scan surroundings while Robin was reading Noland's diary.

Nami: Where are we.

She quickly looked to Sean for an answer but he was still motion sick.

Robin: It's an alter! We're going to be sacrificed!

Silence soon filled the ship as a sudden chill was felt. Sean slowly sat up clutching his knees looking down.

Sean: Sorry..I didn't know it would happen that quick.

Zoro: It's, fine. At least we know now where we are and you know future events so we should be fine.

Sean: I hope, just know the enemies here have something they call 'mantra'. It allows them to predict attacks.

Nami: Predict attacks..?

Sean: For example say I were to attack Zoro and he was unarmed, if he had 'mantra' he would be able to predict it and avoid my attack than, counter attack.

Robin: Than how do we attack !

Sean: They cant predict our attacks if we don't think about them.

Nami: So our only hope is not here.

Zoro: Our captain's stupidity is our savior...

Sean: Precisely. I just hope they can get here.

Chopper: Does the enemy know were not together!

Sean: Yep, they must now face 4 different trails. Each one having a random survival rate.

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