Chapter 36 'Skypiea'

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(Me trying to blow threw Skypiea cause I don't like it much, my writes block and shit memory making me forget the ark)

Sean pointed the direction of the cloud hills and told them that Skypiea was somewhere around there. Nami came out again in her blue/white bikini top. Sanji quickly gained a new nosebleed as well.

Nami: So these cloud hills will lead us to Skypiea?

Sean: If I remember correctly.


Sean: I had to watch 'episode of Skypiea' so my friend could catch up a week before I came here.

Once the clouds were in (Luffy's) reach, Sean knew they were close to the entrance.

Chopper: Woow! They look so fluffy!

Usopp: Whoa. You're right Chopper!

Sean: Luffy.

Sean: Please take the rest of the idiot trio and me on those clouds.

Luffy: Sure! Gomu Gomu No...

Sean: I sensed I've made a mistake...

Luffy: ROCKET!

Luffy flew foreword keeping a tight grip on the three passengers. They landed on the cloud and were all pleasantly surprised.


The young boy happily played on the clouds with the idiot trio.

Zoro: He got over his fear quick.

Robin: Maybe if he falls he'll pass out before he could die.


The Merry followed along the walkable clouds until they came across a gate, the group on the clouds came back to the Merry to help investigate the archway.

Amazon: Are you travelers?

Luffy: We're pirates!

Amazon: I see...

Sean: Can we get to Skypiea.

Amazon: If you pay the fee of 1 million extol.

Sean: Shit I'm broke..

Nami: We can't pay that! Could we still enter though?

Amazon: Sure, it doesn't matter to me.

Luffy: Alright! Adventure!

Sean: Wait but if we don-

The carrier Lobster already took hold of the Merry, the lobster took them to Skypiea faster then Sean thought at first.

Sean: T-to f-fast...

Sean was clutching onto the mast hoping it wouldn't snap in half.

Zoro: Nope, his fear came back.

Nami: Ah! Theres a beach over there.

Sean: And so the beginning begins.

Usopp: What does that even mean?

Sean: You'll see once Eminem but with long earlobes shows up.

Usopp: Um ok...?

Once they landed on Angel Beach the crew began to explore, except Sean who was just sitting near the 'water' waiting for Connis and her dad.

Luffy: Eh! This fruits hard. Hey Usopp, catch!

Luffy threw the strange fruit as Usopp. Sean took out his sketch book and began to draw the sky islands, blocking out any background noise as he drew only listening to his thoughts.

Connis: I-s he ok?

He was snapped out of his thoughts, looking around Sean realized that Connis and her father were there.

Sean: Sorry, I spaced out.

He joined the crew as the strawhats began to learn about the sky islands.

White Beret: Halt! Ma'am be wary of the people, they are wanted people.

Sean: Ah shit, not this...

Connis: What do you mean!

WB: They didn't pay the entrance fee!

Usopp: But she said we didn't have to pay!

WB: False Information!

Sean: Yea, yea system corrupt just give us the fine.

WB: Fine. 10 million extol for each.

Robin: How much is 1 berr in extol?

WB: 1,000!

Usopp: We just have to ask Nami when she gets back!

Sean: Oh yea...She's on the waver.

Usopp: Please allow us to wait a few minutes and discuss this.

WB: Alright 30 minutes at most.

Sean: Wow, how generous...

As the crew waited the sound of an 'engine' could be heard. Sean quickly ran to the shore and began looking for Nami.

Sean: Nami! We need about 10 million berries!

Nami: Huh, Why!

Sean: A fine to enter the sky islands!

Nami: Ok! I'll go get it.

Usopp: We're saved!

Sean: Not really but whatever keeps you happy.

Usopp: What?

Nami quickly began to ride onto the shore but jumped the last minute, hitting the lead White Beret.

Nami: That's to much!


-Sorry this is shorter, I'm working on finals rn so I won't be posting as much until school is over. Sorry for taking so long to post this ;-;-

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