Chapter 25 'Personal Mission'

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Sean watched with boredom as Crocodile was setting up for Vivi's arrival.

Sean: This is boring!

Nami: Be serious this is a Warlord!

Sean: That gets beat down but sure, he's a Warlord.

Smoker: I'm now unsure of your understanding in all of this.

Usopp: Get used to it. It happens at random events.

Sean: I'm going to make it my own personal mission to annoy Croco-boy as best as possible!

Nami: Please no..





Nami: SHUT UP!

Nami quickly hit Sean on the head, while Sean was laughing the whole time.

Crocodile: And here I thought this 'child who knows all' would be more mature.

Sean looked over at Crocodile from the cage with the most poker face he can muster before eventually getting distracted by Luffy's impersonating the crew.


Sean: We're going to be here for, I think an hour or two so just relax.

Nami: Uh.....This is hopeless.

Sean quietly hummed 'Bink's Sake' while Usopp and Luffy were messing with each other. A few minutes passed when suddenly a door atop a flight of stairs swung open revealing Ms. All Sunday holding Vivi.

Crocodile: Ah the guest of honor has arrived.

Sean: Stop making this sound more special than it is!

Crocodile: Quiet you!

Ms. All Sunday: It seems the child is more than you can handle.

Crocodile: Say anything like that again, and I'll consider it treason!

Ms. All Sunday: Understood, sir.

Ms. All Sunday threw Vivi towards Crocodile. Vivi went to attack Crocodile with her peacock slashers but he turned his body to sand as it slashed at him.

Vivi : Crocodile! Why are you doing this to Alabasta!

Crocodile : 2 reasons, 1 a ponyigliph has been located here with the locations of Pluton. And 2-

Sean : He wants to turn Alabasta into some 'paradise'.

Crocodile : This is the last time I'll make this clear, speak like that again and there will be dire consequences.

Sean : I've seen you as a women, you hold no power over me!

Luffy : You've seen Crocodile as a girl?

Sean : Long story, You'll learn in a few months.

Crocodile was visibly angry. Sean's 'mission' was going as planned.

'This is simple if I can piss him of so greatly he allows me to get out I can unload on him. It'll also test of I can hit Logia's.'

Sean soon began to write down all he would say to get on Crocodiles nerves.

Crocodile : Sadly the brat is right, and now all the pieces are falling into place. For you 'White dog' i'll say you died fighting the strawhats.

Smoker : You were planning all this. Yet, your a Warlord! I was foolish thinking this system was trustworthy, your still a filthy pirate.

Crocodile : I would be more offended by your words if I wasn't pestered by the little one.

Sean : You get your ass beat by someone not knowing haki.

Crocodile bit off the end of his cigar. He kept a calm poker face but Sean could tell he was getting to him. Ot was causing him great joy to see the intimidating Crocodile being so angered by his words.

Sean : Damm if only the seastone wasn't here. I could've actually been useful.

Sean put as much sarcasm in his line. But it was true, his strength was comparable to Usopp but without the high durability. All he had were 4 daggers and his fruit.

Crocodile soon began to ignore Sean but he could still see the whittling effect on him. Sean looked over at Vivi giving her a cheeky grin with a wink.

Crocodile : Its almost time, now princess. You must choose. Your people, or your friends.

Crocodile held up the key to the cage. Vivi went to grab it but Crocodile dropped it into the bannawanie cage.

Crocodile : Enjoy looking, princess.

Luffy : Wait Crocodile! I need to kick your ass!

Crocodile : I have no time for you small-fries. Farewell.

Sean held his cheeky grin. He looked at Crocodile going up the massive staicase. As he turned around the water started to pour in.

Crocodile : You have 4 hours left to live, I must say I will miss this place.

Sean : Ehahaha! Oh Croco-boy. You'll see us again, dont worry.

 You'll see us again, dont worry

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Sean held his grin.

Sean: Or maybe not. We'll see in a month or two.

Crocodile walked out with Ms. All Sunday. Crocodile looking visibly angry.

Vivi : What are we going to do!

Sean : Vivi, take a look and see who is missing.

Vivi scanned the cage and saw two of our crew mates were not present.

Vivi : Wh-where?

Sean : Ya see, a certain 'Mr. Prince' will come and save us.

Vivi : Who is Mr. Prince?



I had a lot of overdue work, and im working a a special suprise for this story. This is shorter but that's because I wanted the cliffhanger and I couldn't remember that part very well. Im thinking on making a oneshot book for this series so if you want scenarios For this story pre and post lmk :)

A "New World" a One Piece and Male insert ocWhere stories live. Discover now