Chapter 29 'Final Round'

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I'M BACK! And hopefully with a bang. Sorry the break took longer than expected but we can continue the story!

Luffy began to run after Crocodile, his anger soon built up as he saw a group if marines defeated on the ground.

Tashigi: S-straw hat! Wh-what are you doin.!"

Tashigi struggled to her feat, she raised her sword to Luffy who just walked past her. She remembered her encounter with Robin and dropped the subject, letting Luffy continue on, a feeling of guilt washing over her.

As Crocodile was approaching the tomb Sean began to stir to semi-consciousness. Crocodile however was already in the tomb, he threw the boy next to Cobra who was looking at him in horror.

Crocodile: So what does it say.

Robin: Lets see, Alabasta was founded in 189 the first king was R-

Crocodile: I don't care about history! Tell me the location of Pluton!

Crocodile snapped his head towards Sean, the boy was struggling to get up. Crocodile grabbed Sean and picked him up by his hood.

Crocodile: You BRAT! Say goo-


Crocodile threw Sean at Luffy who rushed to catch him.

Sean: H-hey L-Luffy.

Luffy set him to the side, he sat Sean up next to Cobra.

Cobra: Boy what do you plan to do ?

Luffy: I'm gonna beat his ass.

Robin quickly threw something at Crocodile, quickly reaching for her knife she tried to stab him.

Crocodile: Ah Ms. All Sunday I always thought something like this would happen. But I never trusted you in our 4 years together.

Robin: Good to see we're on the same foot.

Crocodile: Shame, farewell Nico Robin.

Crocodile quickly slashed her with his hook, Robin fell to the floor clutching her wound.

Luffy: Crocodile!

Crocodile: Damm Straw-hat!

The two of them began to fight, Cobra was freed of his restraints as Robin fell.

Sean: I've got an idea. It may sound crazy right now but trust me.

Cobra looked at Sean, after looking back at the fight he quickly nodded his head.

Sean: I need you to loosen one of these pillars, I can do the rest.

Cobra: But that would make the whole tomb collapse!

Sean: Exactly.

Cobra looked back at the boy for a moment before knocking one of the pillars loose. Sean crawled over to the now slanted pillar. Cobra saw him mutter something then the pillar went flying.

Cobra: You used your devil fruit!

Sean: Correct.

The tomb began to rumble, debris falling from all around. A few pillars came loose and began to fall.

Crocodile: I see, a fitting end for a king.

Luffy: We're Not DONE!

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